$ DESTDIR=/path/to/staging/area meson install Since0.57.0--destdirargument can be used instead of environment. In that case Meson will setDESTDIRinto environment when running install scripts. Since0.60.0DESTDIRand--destdircan be a path relative to build directory. An absolute path will be ...
If you have problems with several packages which are needed to compile, I want to add a hint to an useful docker container which can be used to get the packages compiled for Linux: https://hub.docker.com/r/lambci/lambda/ There are other solutions to solve the compiling ...
Under Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition in the left column, click the plus sign to add this product to your staging area. Step 2: Configure Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition To configure TKGI: Click the orange Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition tile to start the configuration ...
./build.sh takes optional arguments, -a to build all platforms, and -t to run tests. By default tests are not run and only the current platform is built. All being well, the binaries will be built in the directory you executed the build.sh script from. Installation on worker machines ...
You can connect self-managed APIcasts to a 3scale On-premises installation or to a 3scale Hosted (SaaS) account. 2.2. APIcast environments Copy link By default, when you create a 3scale account, you get embedded APIcast in two different environments: Staging: Intended to be used only ...
With some of our desktop softwares a LicenseManager application is distributed. Open it from the installation directory or from the Help menu in the desktop tools and follow the instructions. Manual installation The license can be placed to its default location, or you have to set where to look...
Navigate to https://YOUR-OPS-MANAGER-FQDN/ in a browser to log in to the Ops Manager Installation Dashboard. Click Import a Product to upload the product file. Under Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition in the left column, click the plus sign to add this product to your staging area....
The local staging area needed by Azure Backup can be configured to reside in D:\, and the cache location can be placed on C:\. In this way, no space needs to be carved out from the data disks attached to the DPM virtual machine. You store data on Azure disks attached to the DPM ...
Active Directory A set of directory-based technologies included in Windows Server. 5,932 questions Hi, DFS Replication (DFS-R) uses staging folders to act as caches for new and changed files to be replicated from sending members to receiving members. The sending member begins staging a file wh...
Download ZST installation package to your system <zst_install> directory. If you have installed Azul Platform Prime from the package repository, skip this step. The zing-zst package contains the kernel module and various tools. Only one version of zing-zst may be installed at a time. The ZST...