Level 3 Charger:The fastest charging stations are only installed at commercial sites. You will not find this for home use. They are often referred to as Fast Charging or Supercharging (Tesla). You’ll likely see them mapped at site hosts like car dealerships, highway stops, corporate office...
though, you are most of the way there at 7.2KW and pretty much no EVs support 10KW L2 charging yet, besides Tesla. L1=120v L2=240V L3=direct DC fast charge. Love my blue 2013 Chevy Volt with 150K miles on it. Oh, and yes u can convert the stock EVSE that comes with the ...
Most commercial charging stations today are Level 2, and typically draw power from around 6 kW all the way up to around 18 kW. This year, DC fast charging options are beginning to become available in smaller, wall-mounted packaging at power levels starting around 20 kW. The addition of EVS...