In R, Tensorflow and Keras are best installed via thekeras package. This uses the fantasticreticulate packageas a wrapper around Python’s Tensorflow/Keras, so make sure you got it installed. For an introduction to reticulate check out myearlier blogpost. Install as such: install.packages("ke...
you don't really need to do that.If you use the GUI, Anaconda Navigator, the (DOS) shell or the PowerShell link in the Anaconda folder on your start menu they will temporarily set the proper PATH environment for you without making a "permanent...
I am building an android app with python integrated into it. I used chaquopy to integrate python with android. I have installed TensorFlow 2.2 for it with python version 3.6.6. It installs all other python libraries, but after seeing the logs it reports this error while installing TensorFlow...
I tried running tensorflow with gpu but i wanted to install cuda as I have a graphic card present but it always says no graphic driver found . Please help I need to run some python codes for my ML class
On Ubuntu 14.04 and R-3.5.0 I'm trying to install keras like so: library(keras) install_keras() But then I get: Using existing virtualenv at ~/.virtualenvs/r-tensorflow Upgrading pip ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "~/.virtua...
I wanted to use shap packages along with the tensorflow and keras Here is the working combination for me: Keras==2.3.1 Keras-Applications==1.0.8 Keras-Preprocessing==1.1.0 numpy==1.18.1 pandas==1.0.3 scikit-image==0.16.2 scikit-learn==0.22.1 scipy==1.4.1 shap==0.31.0 six==...
keras::install_keras(tensorflow = "gpu") in a new RStudio session, I get Error: invalid version specification But I then tried runningconda install -c anaconda keras-gpufrom the command line and that installed OK. If I run a test with Keras using the IMDB dataset, it seems like it's...
Once Anaconda has been installed a separate virtual environment needs to be created to isolate the TensorFlow install. For the purposes of this tutorial the virtual environment has been namedtf. To do this simply type the following into a terminal: ...
This case is something like the above... we'll need some help from plugin developers to make this a "smooth" experience. As discussed elsewhere, wehavediscussed special bundles that come pre-installed with common ML dependencies and stuff... (similar to an anaconda distribution), but getting...
tensorflow-large-model-support==2.0.1=py36_841.gc361016 - -