I keep downloading and installing all the sims3 worlds I bought in the sims 3 store and they never show up in my game. How long will we have to wait to play the worlds and expansions we paid hundreds of dollars for? @Jeand1963Are you playing through Origin or the EA App? If the ...
Try installing one cc item into a clean Sims 3 folder: move the existing folder out of Documents > Electronic Arts and onto your desktop, open the launcher to spawn a clean folder, install just one cc item, and test. If the game still doesn't work, trash the new Sims 3 folder, ...
Move your existing Sims 3 folder out of Documents > Electronic Arts and onto your desktop, open the launcher to create a clean folder, download and install the worlds, and see what happens. You can delete the new Sims 3 folder and put your old one back when you're done. ...
I thought it was because I had broken cc/mods but I downloaded sims 4 mods manager and I updated my mods and still nothing. I created a new family and selected a home but when I try to play it reroutes me back to all the worlds page and will not let me play. I tried playing ...
Hi!I am having trouble re-installing the sims 3 seasons on a new computer. I recently purchased a new computer after my old computer bit the dust... - 8244983
Why doesn't Dragon Valley show up on my purchase history page, but it does show up as a medalian on my The Sims 3 page. It shows games you have in the left column under My Games, My Stuff Packs and My Worlds. Why then does it not show up under my purchase history, but Celtic...
The most recent Sims 3 disc you have would be the last one you can install. It just helps out better this way, ESPECIALLY if you install worlds. So note when any worlds you get were made. It really will help to install them in order. Makes it go smoother so to speak. Reply ...
You can get new hairstyles, new clothing, objects, worlds (see above) or so called Premium Content which gives you limited extra gameplay. You usually buy these with Simpoints which you can get through the Sims 3 Store directly or through Origin (some countries also still carry Simpoint ...
Store Worlds: Store Worlds are new towns/neighborhoods in which your Sims can live. They can can be bought through the Sims 3 Store, DVD or on Origin, depending on the World. They are always installed through the Launcher though and NOT through Origin or Steam. More info about those can...
The Sims Launcher will download the store Venues, however it will not download any worlds (Hidden Springs, Riverveiw, Monte Vista) or any store bought items/sets. This is a pain because this is a new computer and after reinstalling everything...now my store content is failing horribly. For...