Steep sloped site septic system designs: How to install sewer or septic lines at steep sites Proper drain line slope is important in avoiding septic or sewer line clogging and backups Steep hillside septic system design details for sloped septics Questio
For simplicity of installation, it's a good idea if the loop starts at the point at which the sink drain drops to run vertically to the sewer because then you can connect the trap arm to both the drain and the vent with a single sanitary tee. The IPC does allow the loop to begin o...
Over the years, I have tried a few of the common options out there for ductwork including home store HVAC, sewer & drain PVC, and economy snap-lock pipe. Below on the left you can see my old HVAC ductwork system in my first shop in Temecula, CA. I was running a Penn State Tempest...