If you don’t have Scala, then you have to install it on your system. Let’s see how to install Scala. Step 3: First, download Scala You need to download the latest version of Scala. Here, you will see the scala-2.11.6 version being used. After downloading, you will be able to ...
(SparkSubmit.scala:136) at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala) Caused by: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: begin 0, end 3, length 2 at java.base/java.lang.String.checkBoundsBeginEnd(String.java:3107) at java.base/java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1873...
For convenience, you should add the Activator installation directory to your systemPATH. On UNIX systems, this means doing something like: exportPATH=$PATH:/relativePath/to/activator On Windows you’ll need to set it in the global environment variables. This means update thePATHin the environment...
Install Packages on Standard Infrastructure# To install Ubuntu packages that are not included in the standardprecise,trusty,xenial, orbionicdistribution, use apt-get in thebefore_installstep of your.travis.yml: before_install:-sudo apt-get-y install libxml2-dev ...
Explanation that this will install a second plugin, or be vended as a pack of plugins for Scala over a single plugin with a second required one. Screenshots Installation: Operating system: Windows/Linux VSCode version: 1.67.2 VSCode extension version: 1.16.0 Metals version: 0.11.5 Additional ...
You can run MXNet on Amazon Linux, Ubuntu/Debian, OS X, and Windows operating systems. MXNet currently supports the Python, R, Julia, and Scala languages. @@ -70,7 +81,7 @@ To contribute easy installation scripts for other operating systems and programm ### Quick Installation on Ubuntu ...
Azure HDInsight plugin for Java Enables Apache Spark application development in Scala. Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.1 for SQL Server Provides JDBC API for SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database for Java Platform Enterprise Edition 8. Package for Microsoft Azure Libraries for Java Provides APIs for ...
Hope this helps Related posts: NET 4, Visual Studio 2010 install fails on XP SP3 machine “Fatal error during installation” Installing Node Tools for Visual Studio 2013 Ubunutu 12.10 installing Scala 2.10 and Play Framework 2.1.0 Xamarin Dev Days...
I am going to obligate myself to writing a small series of posts of Kubernetes. In this entry, we will focus on: What is Kubernetes / Installing MinikubeSo at the moment, I am doing a few things, such as: Reading a good Scala book Reading another book on CATS type level programming ...
sbt is a build tool for Java and Scala. Activator adds a few features to sbt, notably the ability to start new projects from templates available online. Because Activator includes sbt, you don’t need to install anything except a JDK and Activator. Activator will retrieve the Lagom plugin an...