2.2 Installing Redis Create a new folder on the D drive, e.g.D:\redis, and extract the files from Redis-x64-3.2.100.zip to that folder 2.3 Modify the configuration file Edit profileredis.windows.conf,Modify the following: bind ---> # bind ...
Note: The etcd daemon must be on NVMe storage. See Recommended host practices in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation for more information. 30 GB 10 CPU Worker 3 Observability - 25 Gb for each node, object stored - User supplied, search was disabled. Redisgraph is ...
Redis 5.0 x64, FFmpeg x64, Certbot, PostgreSQL ODBC Driver x64, PostgreSQL v14.0 x64, OpenResty.Click the Next button to download and install the prerequisite software. This process may take some minutes.Step 3. Install ONLYOFFICE DocSpace CommunityAs...
Switch: build/binding.sln socket.io@0.9.16 node_modules\socket.io ├── base64id@0.1.0 ├── policyfile@0.0.4 ├── redis@0.7.3 └── socket.io-client@0.9.16 (xmlhttprequest@1.4.2, uglify-js@1.2.5, active-x-obf uscator@0.0.1, ws@0.4.27) I also tried below commands fr...
Install Salt on the Salt minions After installing Salt on the Salt master as described in the previous section, the next step is to install the minion service (not the master service) on the three nodes that will become the RaaS, a Redis database, and a PostgreSQL database. Then, you ...
I have pulled the latest (0.44.0) docker image with the docker pull ghcr.io/floppy/van_dam:latest command on a Synology NAS from the CLI and created a container using the Docker GUI. Trying to start the container however is unsuccessful ...
docker::services {'redis_scale': create => false, scale => true, service_name => 'redis', replicas => '10', } To scale the service without creating a new one, provide the scale => true parameter and the create => false parameters. In the example above, the service is scaled to...
Windows 10 version info Add some more findings: After I finished this install sequence: VS2017 -> VS2015 -> VS2013, I noticed that there's even no VC++2015 redist on my box: Because both VC++ 2015 and VC++2017 redists are 14.xxx. So having the higher version is enough. When I ...
Under heavier loads you’ll want to load balance DreamFactory across multiple servers, and take advantage of a shared caching (Redis or Memcached are typically used) and database layer (which houses the system database). Although DreamFactory can run on Windows Server and IIS, we recommend inste...
How to Install pip on Windows Solving the Externally Managed Environment Error when using Pip How to Install Redis on macOS Introduction to Python Syntax Installing Xcode on your macOS The first of these steps is to install Xcode on our device so that we can make use of the GCC compiler. ...