Clean installation on a MacBook Pro: ➜ speech_paddle_dy git:(master) ✗ python3 -m pip install paddle Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable Collecting paddle Using cached paddle-1.0.2.tar.gz (579 kB) ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1...
Before installing PIL but after installing libjpeg, change the “JPEG_ROOT = None” line in my file to “JPEG_ROOT = libinclude(“/usr/local”)” I got this from a comment on this blog. Afterwards you can reinstall PIL through pip or easy_install. Make sure all the compiled ...
13 Please don't recommend brew, I already have it and installed Python 3 with it, but it seems that Automator only knows how to use the default version of Python located in /usr/bin/python That's the reason behind my specific request Can you possibly use "Run Shell Script" in Automator...
ensurepip/", line 203, in _bootstrap return _run_pip([*args, *_PACKAGE_NAMES], additional_paths) File "/private/var/folders/g7/g62ctbqd7r9_skkcy6122cp80000gq/T/python-build.20230611111718.7801/Python-3.10.11/Lib/ensurepip/", line 104, in _run_pip return...
Log in to your mac and run the command:$ xcode-select --install About this task macOS usually comes with Python 2.7.x. Do not use the macOS version of Python. Instead, install the latest Python 2 version using, for example, the Homebrew package manager. This installs an alternative Pytho...
However, Apple has python3 (3.9.6) and pip3 in the system files in usr/bin plus Apple stripped root of privileges which would allow to get rid of these executables. The only way to run 3.11.x is to spell it out explicitly (python3.11). It would not be such big of a problem but...
In case it is not installed, use easy_install to add pip: $ easy_install pip Now, it's easy to install any required package; for example, virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper are useful: pip install virtualenv pip install virtualenvwrapper The next step is what we really wanted to do ...
In attach, you have the pip freeze, in case you like to just install the pip packages in the exact same version (pip install -r yangsuite.txt). @bigevilbeard ,I believe python 3.8 is the way to go now. The release 3.8 utilized in the mac install example at Yang Suite git repo...
Install pyenv, enterpip install pyenv Install Python, enterpyenv install <version>, for examplepyenv install 2.7.9 Check that the Python version was installed, by enteringpyenv versions Use Python locally, enterpyenv global 2.7.9 Check that your installed Python version is running, enterpython --...
In attach, you have the pip freeze, in case you like to just install the pip packages in the exact same version (pip install -r yangsuite.txt). @bigevilbeard ,I believe python 3.8 is the way to go now. The release 3.8 utilized in the mac install example at Yang Suite git repo...