✅ Activate Windows after installing Win11 from Win10 without activating beforehand:I downloaded the Windows 11 23h2 ISO from the website and created a PXE image with MDT and WDS. Once the install was completed and I tried to activate...
Deploying Windows 8.1 WADK MDT on Office 2013 View Download Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (WADK) 8.1 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39982 Download Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details....
Before installing the Converter App, make sure the files downloaded from our site are not blocked by Windows SmartScreen… Windows 11 is finicky, click the TLC zip first to make sure it’s fully selected then Right+click the file and selectProperties. Be sure to check theUnblockcheckbox as sh...
Enable Windows Authentication on one site, Disable on others and turn on Anonymous Enable-Mailbox Not Recognized Enable-PSRemoting Not Working - Access Denied Enable-WSManCredSSP does not change Client configuration Enabling CredSSP Authentication Protocol - not configured correctly. Enclose ampersand ch...
{ $_ -eq "windowsdesktop" } { return "windowsdesktop-runtime" } { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } { return "dotnet-sdk" } default { throw "'$Runtime' is not a supported value for -Runtime option, supported values are: dotnet, aspnetcore, windowsdesktop. If you think this is a bu...
Right now our MDT process... Windows 10 EOL End of life in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade Windows 10 EOL End of life: So I was researching if I should get a Windows Laptop and I scroll through the end of life products and i see this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/...
Mike recently posted on how to take an MDT action based on group membership in Active Directory. At the same time, I was working on something quite similar but using a different approach, so I thought I’d blog it here to offer an alternative method to the one Mike describes; I...
My customer is deploying Windows Server 2008 R2 using MDT Lite Touch Installation. The wanted to have a way to select the operating system Roles and Features during the Deployment Wizard in a way similar to how the Install Roles and Features step works in the task sequence e...
The error message does not have to do with the boot image. This is message is in full windows and is stating that there is no network connection back to the share. Please make sure of the following: 1. The drivers are imported into the M...
We are working on Windows 10 build 1809 from disc. I have built the AAMEE package and everything seemed to run smoothly until trying to install, as this is going to be put into our new image i wanted to test before deploying (using MDT) I keep running into...