When installing laminate flooring you really need to be more precise when cutting each piece that your installing on the stairs. Such as the treads, risers and stair noses. This will give your staircase the best look without gaps and spaces that take away from your stairs. You don't typica...
When installing laminate flooring, knowing where the floor is going to end may determine where you will start the installation. Lets say your starting on one side of your living room and on the other side you have ceramic tile where your going to end your flooring. Your going to want the ...
Carpenter worker installing laminate flooring in the corridor near the stairs. Joiner installs the last laminated board. Lots of instruments on the foreground Author credit line ID 190115123 © Oleksii Lagno | Dreamstime.com Image keywords ...
Most of the time they do not glue it, it is just laying on the sub floor. They also use huge staples around the parameter to hold the vinyl in place. This creates a hump, and can affect the laminate flooring when installed over it. If you are just installing the laminate flooring in...