Your policy activates the next time Jamf Pro detects your Macs. This then runs the Endpoint Protection installation on your Macs. Check Endpoint Protection is installed You can check the Jamf Pro log files to see your policy has activated. You can also verify that the installation...
First scenario. If i upload it to the Jamf packages, according to this manual (, package change format to "". It start to install but always shown error "An error occured while ru...
I've been using monolithic imaging techniques for 15 years and have completed my Jamf 200 level training earlier this summer. This will be my first go at MDM. Excited by it! I have a question I'm hoping someone can shed some light on. I manage 4 computer labs at a univ...
Jamf Pro Re: Installing Home Brew for Standard Users Options Installing Home Brew for Standard Users Go to solution CodyC New Contributor II Posted on 04-08-2021 05:39 AM Has anyone been able to successfully accomplish this? I have tried several scripts ive found on these discussions ...
Description: Live Share Audio can't install the package electron-mac-x64-skype-3.1. I'm on a corporate managed (jamf?) Macbook Pro that has Skype For Business installed. Note: Deleting the folder $HOME/.vscode/extensions/ms-vsliveshare.v...
If i upload it to the Jamf packages, according to this manual (, package change format to "". It start to install but always shown error "An error occured while running scripts fro... 0 Kudos Reply SMR1 Contributor III Posted on 08-24-2023 02:49 PM We're running the below command on our Mac's and didn't realize it wasn't installing until now. We use application that needs ...
Hi there, I'm trying to figure out the "sudo jamf install -package" command and I'm having trouble figuring out the syntax. This command can be used for installing packages on the jamf server, not only on the local machine, correct? Labels: API Package Building ...
exit 0 0 Kudos Reply RenAdmin New Contributor III In response to RenAdmin Posted on 12-12-2022 07:07 AM Got it to work! The text file was done on a windows computer and transferred to the Mac it needs to be done on a Mac computer. 0 Kudos Reply Post Reply ...