google-chrome --no-sandbox 然后重启系统。 在命令行输入: vim /usr/bin/google-chrome 按i键,进入插入模式,下拉到最后一行, 将exec -a "0""0""HERE/chrome" "$@" 改为 exec -a "0""0""HERE/chrome" "$@" --user-data-dir --no-sandbox 设置ok后,在命令行输入google-chrome,就可以正常打开了...
Next, select the “64-bit .deb (For Debian/Ubuntu)” download package option and confirm by clicking the “Accept and Install” button. Download the Google Chrome Linux installation package. Step 2: Installing Google Chrome Once the download is complete, please navigate to the directory where t...
I recently got Selenium, Google Chrome, and ChromeDriver installed and working on aDigitalOceaninstance running 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04. Here’s how: First, install Google Chrome for Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-getinstall libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7 wget
I create a fresh install of Ubuntu 22.04.I select Ubuntu Pro for security and allow the software updater to update the software.Install Google Chrome –wget dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb...
In my opinion, it is absolutely essential that this problem is fixed for the next version of Ubuntu, in fact, I really think that the current version of Ubuntu should have the new store without this problem. The most common thing is that a new user, to install Google Chrome for example...
Install Google Chrome for Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get install libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7 wget sudo dpkg -i google-chrome*.deb sudo apt-get install -f Install xvfb to run Chrome on a headless device su...
Installing Node-RED on Linux Below are the steps to install Node-RED on Linux: Step 1: Install Node.js As Node-RED relies on Node.js, it’s necessary to install it using your Linux distribution’s package manager. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu-based systems, use the following command: ...
Installing on Ubuntu, at least using sudo, didn’t seem to do everything necessary. I don’t know if this is specifically an issue with using sudo or not, but here’s what to do next. a dependency and it isn’t installed by Xilinx. Check ...
On Debian and Ubuntu, install the package as follows: sudo apt-get install mariadb-plugin-oqgraph or (forMariaDB 10.0) sudo apt-get install mariadb-oqgraph-engine-10.0 Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS Note that OQGRAPH v3 requires libjudy, which is not in the official Red Hat/Fedora repositories. This...
Installing the VMware Virtual Machine Console on a Linux [ RHEL,Ubuntu ] 1.Log in as root to Linux 2.Mount the CD-ROM drive and change to the Client directory on the CD. #mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom #cd /mnt/cdrom/Client3.Unzip the client installer archive to /tmp. #unzip VMwar...