The "GCC" part of the name stands for either "GNU C Compiler" or "GNU Compiler Collection," take your pick. And I have to admit that I don't know what the "none" part of the executable name refers to. Step2: Install the MAKE Utility MAKE is a program that takes a text file (...
At build time, you need the GNU C/C++ compiler (gcc/g++) and GNU make (gmake). Using another compiler or make tool may work but is not well tested. For Phobos (the D standard library), you need to have libcurl installed. If your distribution does not provide libcurl, then you can ...
Windows XP:Use the start menu, click "All Programs", navigate to Accessories and then click and hold with the right mouse button on "Command Prompt" and drag it to your desktop, and select "Copy Here" in the popup menu. Microsoft removed the ability to run a batch file from the proper... In addition to using Objective-C on a Mac system, it is also possible to download and install the GNUstep and Objective-C environments for Microsoft's Windows family of operating systems. In this cha...
Before you start using Git, you have to make it available on your computer. Even if it’s already installed, it’s probably a good idea to update to the latest version. You can either install it as a package or via another installer, or download the source code and compile it yourself...
Is it possible to detect in cmake when the project is built in editable mode and change the output destination accordingly? Alternatively, is there some better way for me to place and find this shared library file that I'm completely missing (tried importlib.resources but no luck)? Collaborat...
sudo aptupdate&& sudo aptupgradesudo aptinstall--no-install-recommends apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 Still in the terminal, change the network config so that Docker can interact with the firewall using the command below: ...
When i first encountered the program, i struggled with the python installation so i settled for the .exe one (i'm on windows). But, as of now, i would like to be able to install and use it with python. The problem is, i am still struggling a lot with the python installation (spe...
At the command prompt, you can useGNU gzipandGNU tarfor Windows. On Linux You can use your favorite file manager -- it should be able to unpack them. At any shell prompt, you can use thetarcommand. The distribution archive will always unpack into a directory namedmoin-<version>, for ...
Select the directory on your USB key containing the downloaded *.deb files and press Open. The packages will be installed. Note: If you don't have access to a PC with GNU/Linux or emulating/virtualizing GNU/Linux (Cygwin, VMware, VirtualBox, Qemu, etc), just open the script with a ...