Even if your home was built on a concrete slab, you can still enjoy the beauty and charm of hardwood floors. Experienced professionals pay close attention to managing moisture and minimizing wood floor expansion and contraction when preparing to install hardwood floors on concre...
The present invention relates to an installation structure and a method of the insulation board for heating pipe piping, the upper surface of the concrete slab layer (10) forming the foundation floor of the building and the concrete slab layer (10) above the predetermined thickness on the plane...
FIRE PERFORMANCE OF THE JOINT BETWEEN A NON-LOAD-BEARING TIMBER-FRAME EXTERIOR WALL AND A HOLLOW-CORE CONCRETE SLAB INTERMEDIATE FLOOR FIRE TEST IN VTT'S F... Numerous so-called mixed-technology multi-storey apartment buildings have been built in Finland. Many differing practices have appeared in...
Step 1: Determine where to bolt the equipment Accurately draw the bolt pattern on the floor, concrete pad, or steel beams using one of the following methods: • Set the equipment in place and mark the holes. • Make a template. • Use measurements and shop drawings to lay out the ...