The air is then forced through ducts that have been heavily insulated in order to reduce energy loss. The system’s fan forces it through the outlets and ductwork of your home. It is then distributed throughout the rooms as a gentle supply of warm air. The air is then channeled into the...
LONGITUDINAL rib (59, 60) ON THE WALLS EXTERNAL ROTATION EVITA. CABLE IS DEPOSITED pulling the ducts through other channels on the longitudinal flanges (59, 60) and then pulling the cable through ductwork, ALONG TABS SPIRAL (58), thus decreasing THE fRICTION AND INCREASING THE LENGTH OF PULL...
! DO NOT INSTALL THE ISOLATOR OR SNUBBERS IN ANY CONFIGURATION OTHER THAN THAT SHOWN IN THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS. The equipment is now installed to resist earthquakes. Flexible piping connections, flexible ductwork connections, and flexible conduit connections must be used when connecting ...