Microsoft Edge 25Note: Browser must support TLS Web browsers must support TLS 1.2 or later to connect to the zero client's Administrative Web Interface.To upload the root CA certificate to a zero client:From a supported browser, enter the IP address of the zero client and log in to i...
Modify your Nginx configuration file to use the SSL certificates. You can create a new configuration file or edit an existing one. server{listen443ssl;;ssl_certificate/etc/nginx/certs/your_certificate.pem;ssl_certificate_key/etc/nginx/certs/your_private_key....
@Michiel Overweel- We have the "Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2011" cert in Trusted root certification Authorities, however we don't have the "Microsoft Code Signing PCA 2011" anywhere. Under trusted publishers, we only have our inhouse code signing certs listed. I did a search for all...
Hi, when I create a deployment using the Microsoft Edge Wizard in MECM 2002, then deploy it, the install times out. If I run the automatically created...
If you need more help getting certificates in your IoT devices, please reach out to someone from oursecurity auditor program. Once you get set up with certs on your devices, learn how to usecertificatesandenrollmentsin theDevice Provisioning Service!
wget sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain horizon-cli.crt horizon-cli-x.x.x.pkg You can download the list of available package versions by running the following command: ...
mkdir -p ~/.docker/certs.d/$REGISTRY_HOST && \ echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $REGISTRY_HOST:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > ~/.docker/certs.d/$REGISTRY_HOST/ca.crt && \ sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.key...
sudo rm -rf /tmp/certs/ Then you can clone this repo and run the script like this: git clone""cd./dod-root-ca-and-cac/ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass ./dod-root-ca-and-cac-installer.yml ...
Certificate setup issue for RDS in Server 2012 Certificate subject mismatch Change a password on remote desktop without rdp connectivity Change CAL expiration date Change Computer name for downloaded RD Web file and SSL certs Change Date format for all RDS users as dd/mm/yyyy Change Date format ...
Hi there, VSCode Version: 1.56.2 Local OS Version: Windows 10 enterprise1909 Remote OS Version: Debian buster (Docker) & Ubuntu 2004 (WSL2) Remote Extension/Connection Type: Docker & WSL2 (reproduced on both) Logs: Debian buster (Docker)...