Before we install Appium on Windows, we need to install Node JS. Navigate to the web page ( and download the windows installer (xxx.msi) based on your architecture (either 32-bit or 64-bit).Once downloaded, install the same with the default options. ...
I have been trying to install our custom driver from a git repository following the CLI documentation: First, it does not seem up-to-date with the "usage" output ofappium driver install --help And none of those provide clear example f...
appium\node_modules\test-ai-classifier\build\test-ai-classifier.vcxproj] detection.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_TF_DeleteGraph referenced in function "private: void __ cdecl Detection::cleanup(void)" (?cleanup@Detection@@AEAAXXZ) [C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_mod...
本文全面探讨了在PyCharm中遇到的“Error occurred when installing package ‘x32dbg’”问题,并提供了通过更换Python版本来解决此问题的详细步骤。关键词包括PyCharm, x32dbg, Python版本兼容性, 软件包安装错误, 虚拟环境配置。本教程适用于所有级别的Python开发者,从入门新手到经验丰富的专业人士。 引言 使用PyCharm...
Appium运行报错:java.lang.SecurityException: PID 14299 does not have permission android.permission android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(