The brick is then stacked row upon row, typically one story at a time until it reaces another support point. Most masonry facades have an air space between the masonry and the building. Therefore, masonry anchors are used to keep the brick from moving out away from the building....
incorporatingallofthetechnical parameters adjusted by this study, and, in particular,bythe needtobalancethebudget afterinstallingair-conditioning in all the offices. 尽管本研究报告把所有调整的技术参数都包括在内,但上述选择方案仍须视预算情 况,尤其是根据全部办公室安...
All base materials are different, and the masonry screws installed in concrete may act differently than those installed in brick or cinder block. The lead thread of the masonry screw cuts threads into the masonry. This lead thread can wear down, making it difficult or impossible for the screw...
the pump, and install the replacement air valve and gasket. 卸下 泵上的旧空气阀和垫圈,安装备用空 气阀 和垫圈。 Let solvent evaporate thoroughly before installing replacement gasket. 让溶剂彻 底蒸发,然后再安装更换密封件。 Mr Jeffrey LAM suggested...
In a general sense, the term "curtain wall" refers to an exterior wall that does not support loads other than its own weight. Curtain walls are therefore nonstruc-tural, and serve solely to protect the building from the elements. Seismic... RM Sanders,CA Hargrove - 《Building Design & Co...
PURPOSE:To enlarge the size of each inner wall panel and enhance the operating efficiency by inserting the panel into an opening of a building from outside the building, fixing the top and bottom, and then fixing the mating external wall panel. CONSTITUTION:The top of an inner wall panel 1...
Besides, the problem that a flange connecting pipe prevents a refractory brick in the furnace from expanding with heat and contracting with cold is effectively solved, and the service life of the hot air furnace is prolonged.彭绪辉陈俊
Hi, Am attempting to download playmemories apps to my new a6000 which is usb connected to an airmac on Safari; what a nightmare, 3 hours (so far) of my Saturday morning gobbled up and I’ve read there isn’t any Sony customer services available until Monday. Where can Menu > Setup ...
LogPackFactory: Copied "../../../Samples/StarterContent/Content/StarterContent/Materials/M_Brick_Hewn_Stone.uasset" to "F:/ue/axi/livelinktest1/Content/StarterContent/Materials/M_Brick_Hewn_Stone.uasset" LogPackFactory: Copied "../../../Samples/StarterContent/Content/StarterContent/Materials/...
Installing DensGlass On Metal Stud Framing We are using the DensGlass Exterior Sheathing on a commercial project for an entry way that’sframed with metal studs. The entry way will eventually get a brick facade placed over the framing. For this project we’re framing the wall with 3-5/8″...