4. In the WoW folder, create a new folder called Interface (if it doesn’t already exist) 5. Open that folder, create another one inside it, called AddOns (again, if it doesn’t already exist) 6. Open the AddOns folder 7. Copy the files from the folder on your desktop into the...
4. In the 'live' folder, create a new folder called AddOns (if it doesn’t already exist) 5. Open the AddOns folder 6. Copy the files from the folder on your desktop into the AddOns folder 7. Your final path should look like: PC: C:\Users\< username >\Documents\Elder Scrolls ...
wow you are a genius. 20.16 didn't but .17 did. Thank you very much. Do you think the given addons are working now, or should I better not use them any more? Owner laurent22 commented May 8, 2023 They are working fine, it was an issue with the app itself! Sign up for free...
ERROR: File "setup.py" or "setup.cfg" not found. Directory cannot be installed in editable mode: C:\Users\Andrew PC\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.3\scripts\addons\dream-textures-main\stable_diffusion WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.4; however, version 22.2.2 is avail...
WoW's data folder uncompressed is 60.1 GB (and not including the 8.1 patch) or other folders like Addons, which can add a few more GBs. Will need a terabyte SSD drive to play these MMOs! Compressed for download the base game and expansions (no patches nor hotfixes) upto BfA is aroun...
The client has seperate controls for installing Retail WoW Guides, Retail Gold Guide data, and Classic WoW guides. You must use the individual "install" buttons to do this. The Gold Guide data can only be installed if Retail WoW guides are installed already. Once...
I used to have the get_atlcom class that you mention listed in my IE8 addons, but it is gone now. Also, my corporate IT department remotely logged on to my machine this morning for three hours, and didn't get any further than I had. So, if the IT pros haven't been able...
(https://github.com/storybooks/storybook/tree/master/addons/storyshots) with Storybook + addon/storyshot + +### Getting Started with Styleguidist + +Styleguidist combines a style guide, where all your components are presented on a single page with their props documentation and usage examples...