This is especially true if you are working near a new countertop or cabinets. Grout can stain and mastic dries incredibly fast. I use a combination ofTape-N-Drapeas well as painter’s tape to get everything covered and protected before I start tiling or grouting. 15. Use good lighting. ...
Make sure there is a clear pathway between the job site (your kitchen or bathroom or basement whichever is the case) and closest entrance. Stone is heavy, so we try to minimize how much maneuvering the guys need to do while carrying the individual sections of countertop into your kitchen or...
A sink which is designed for flush installation into a laminated kitchen or bathroom countertop, which eliminates the raised sink rim of the prior art thereby allowing water and debris to be wiped into the sink, which overcomes the limitations of and use of cove tile and moldings, which ...
Keep in mind that the disposer has a tendency to cause vibration both in the sink and where it attaches to the countertop. A solid counter such as granite, marble, and other stone-like material is best for this type of sink, as well as akitchen sink support system. Prep One of the d...
A sink which is designed for flush installation into a laminated kitchen or bathroom countertop, which eliminates the raised sink rim of the prior art thereby allowing water and debris to be wiped into the sink, which overcomes the limitations of and use of cove tile and moldings, which ...