Installera .NET Framework 3.5 på Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1 och Windows 8 Artikel 2024-03-05 3 deltagare Feedback I den här artikeln Installera .NET Framework 3.5 på begäran Aktivera .NET Framework 3.5 i Kontrollpanelen Ladda ned installationsprogrammet offline Fel...
Windows 11 Starta > Inställningar > appar > installerade appar Windows 10 Starta > Inställningar > systemappar > och funktioner Windows 8 och Windows 7 Starta > Kontrollpanelen > program > Avinstallera ett program På den här skärmen skriver du Azure CLI i programsökningsf...
Modified11 years ago Viewed6k times 0 I build and install msi's for our product and I have recently managed to get an issue in that windows install keeps giving me the message: "A more recent version of program name is already installed on this computer" I upgraded to a new versio...
Windows 11Windows 10 Avinstallera från Start-menyn VäljStart>Alla apparoch sök efter appen i listan som visas. Håll ned (eller högerklicka) på appen och välj sedanAvinstallera. Avinstallera i Inställningar VäljStart>Inställningar>Appar>Appar...
step-by-step. I follow the instructions, hit Build, and it says "Build: 1 succeeded". I find the MSI file, run it, there's no UI which seems odd but I can live with that, and it creates a folder in my "Program Files (x86)" folder that has the primary DLL for my project. ...
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Windows Installer Errors troubleshooting: You may follow the steps from the below link: How to troubleshoot problems that may occur when you install, uninstall, or upgrade a program on a Windows-based computer: ...
windows 11 logo So you can leverage Windows Installer for application deployment across modern Windows environments without additional requirements. Note: Older Windows versions generally contain earlier versions of Windows Installer. If needed, these can be updated by installing the appropriate Windows Inst...
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Run theProgram Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter. After that, see if it makes the problem go away. However, if you are using Windows 11, you may not find this Troubleshooter in the Windows Settings panel. 6] Additional suggestions