Les dates de fin de service des versions de Windows 10 sont segmentées par édition. Seules les éditionsHome,Pro,Pro EducationetPro pour stations de travailsont prises en compte dans le tableau suivant. ConsultezCycle de vie Windowspour plus d’informations. ...
Remarque :Si vous utilisez un dispositif de stockage externe pour sauvegarder des fichiers, veillez à ce qu’il ne s’agisse pas du même dispositif que celui que vous utiliserez pour télécharger le support d’installation de Windows 10. ...
Hvis du vil installere en nettleser (eller en hvilken som helst app) som ikke er i Microsoft Store, må dubytte til Windows 10 Pro. En app jeg virkelig trenger, finnes ikke i Microsoft Store. Hva kan jeg gjøre?
you can use Windows Installer to install administrator-specified packages, in the context of a user who is logged on, regardless of the privileges of the individual logged on to
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Windows Image Acquisition Core Windows Image Acquisition User Interface Windows Installer Service Windows Logon (Standard) Windows Management Instrumentation Technologies Windows Media Player (Light) Windows Media Player 6.4 Windows Media Player 10 Windows Med...
适用全新的 Windows 10 应用具体安装程序建立的安装程序包在 Windows XP、Vista、7、8、8、8.1 和 10 版本号上工作中一切正常。 屡获荣誉的靠谱安装工作人员 具体安装工作人员收到了很多荣誉奖和编写的五星好评。十多年来(最开始于 2004 年公布),具体安装程序已被世界各国的软件开发者应用。
Windows Installer 5.0 is included natively in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2012 R2. windows 11 logo So you can leverage Windows Installer for application deployment across modern Windows environments ...
I'm trying to install Windows 10 Pro 64bit on my new PC, but the installer cannot find my Intel Optane SSD 900p.The installer first says "A media driver your computer needs is missing". I've downloaded the Client NVMe* Microsoft Windows* Drivers for Intel® SSDs from https://...
Host: Chris (Microsoft) Q: My WIN XP Pro v2.0 installer is corrupted. Where/how do I find the installer 2.0 to update/correct my corrupted version.A: On Windows XP, the installer is a part of the OS and is not available as an independent redist. If you are having problems with the...
1、上图错误是在Windows XP SP3系统上遇到的,查询后在一个国外网站上见到解决方法(见参考资料)。解决方法是: 首先查看系统盘的Program Files\CommonFiles\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\40\bin目录下,是否有如下几个*.dll 文件: 把WindowsXP安装盘中i386目录下的FP40EXT.CAB解压到系统盘的Program Files\...