执行” rails new 目录名 " 创建一个ruby框架的web工程的框架。 但发现报错,报缺少sqllite等模块。 后来又在网上查了下,ruby on rails依赖很多模块。 在window下要安装rails 最好用 railsinstaller 来安装。 下面我们来介绍如何利用railsinstaller 来安装。 五、利用 railsinstaller 安装 ruby 和 rails 进入官网http:...
Rails Installer一条龙安装Ruby on Rails 很多壮士在Windows下安装Ruby on Rails会遇到各种各样的问题,因此挫了锐气,没关系在此寻找到一种神一样的方法。 它就是Rails Installer安装Ruby on Rails。 这个方法是一条龙安装,包括了Ruby和Rails,还有折腾无数壮士的DevKit。 Ruby 1.9.2-p290 Rails 3.1.1 Bundler 1....
首先,下载bitnami-rubystack-3.2.1-0-windows-installer.exe 地址:http://bitnami.org/stack/rubystack 简介:BitNamiRubyStack 提供了快速简单的 Ruby on Rails 的一键安装包,包括:Ruby, Subversion, MySQL, SQLite, ImageMagick, 和许多 Ruby Gems, 同时提供可选安装 Apache 2.2 具有URL重写和代理支持,支持 Window...
一、安装ruby+devkit 在windows环境下,一般的软件安装的操作都是通过下载.exe文件实现,首先需要下载ruby+devkit安装包, 网址:https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ 这里最好下载2.6.6-1(x64)版本的包,因为博主在使用2.7.2-1的时候,新建rails的web项目会报错,具体的问题会在后续步骤中阐述。 安装成功之后,在命令...
Ruby on Rails Tutorial Book:www.railstutorial.org/ Debugging Rails¶↑ Sometimes your application goes wrong. Fortunately there are a lot of tools that will help you debug it and get it back on the rails. First area to check is the application log files. Have “tail -f” commands runnin...
But before that, we need to ensure if we have to update our copy of the gems component, just to make sure everything will move on smoothly: "gem update –system"In my case (as shown above, there was nothing to update). Once ruby and gems are installed, it's time to get rails ...
the MSYS2 Devkit can be installed separately by running ridk install. MSYS2 is required to build native C/C++ extensions for Ruby and is necessary for Ruby on Rails. Moreover it allows the download and usage of hundreds of Open Source libraries which Ruby gems can depend on. The MSYS2 devel...
So once the rails installation is done, the next step would be to create a rails application. A lot of ruby-rails experts recommend you,NOT to create a rails application in the ruby root folder or the windows program files. You might be better of creating on in the safest location ...
the MSYS2 Devkit can be installed separately by running ridk install. MSYS2 is required to build native C/C++ extensions for Ruby and is necessary for Ruby on Rails. Moreover it allows the download and usage of hundreds of Open Source libraries which Ruby gems can depend on. The MSYS2 devel...
(32/64bit)–Mac OS X–Solaris(Sparc)PHP–C#–Pearl–Python–Tcl–SchemeAjax–Web Services–Ruby on RailsPython–PHP–Ruby–C/C++–Lisp–Qt(Sparc)–... G Connection Pooling 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 Comparing Apples If you want to, it's even possible to run Alfresco Enterprise Edition on ...