Automated install script for Organizr ( for Ubuntu/Debian/Raspbian/CentOS and Windows Topics nginx php install debian ubuntu centos installer media media-server raspbian htpc oui media-manager organizr owi wnpsi Resources Readme License GPL-3.0 license Activit...
bash nginx debian ubuntu python3 qemu libvirt autoinstaller bash-script qemu-kvm autoinstall virt-manager Updated Aug 31, 2022 Shell Mickaelh51 / bash-autoinstaller-active-syslog Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests Bash autoinstaller (any versions 5) + all patches + syslog module (with real...
req_inst = set_configurator(req_inst, args.installer) req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, args.authenticator)ifargs.nginx: req_inst = set_configurator(req_inst,"nginx") req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth,"nginx")ifargs.apache: req_inst = set_configurator(req_inst,"apache") req_auth...
无法导入ohos.bundle.installer错误解决方法 今天在运行一个开源项目时,发现编译项目时报了一个错误:ohos.bundle.installer。 对应的SDK版本信息如下: 解决方法:造成错误的原因是,我们使用的是public-sdk,所以我们需要到OpenHarmony平台下载full-sdk,下载链接:
NGINX_1.11.4/2016-10-10 04:32- NGINX_1.11.10/2017-10-24 06:42- NODE_0.0.1/2019-06-27 07:48- NODE_0.0.2/2019-10-28 07:35- PANEL/2017-04-20 06:50- PANEL_BILLING/2015-08-17 06:46- PANEL_PHP52/2021-05-11 04:45-
installed_init_d=1 elif [ "${key}" = "ubuntu-12.04" -o "${key}" = "ubuntu-14.04" -o "${key}" = "debian-7" ] then run cp system/netdata-lsb /etc/init.d/netdata && \ run chmod 755 /etc/init.d/netdata && \ run update-rc.d netdata defaults && \ ...
NGINX Open Source packaged by Bitnami provides a complete, fully-integrated and ready to run PHP, MySQL and NGINX development environment. In addition, it bundles phpMyAdmin, SQLite, ImageMagick, FastCGI, GD, CURL, PEAR, PECL, Composer and other components. Also known as LEMP for Linux, WEMP ...
Install LEMP Server (nginx, MySQL or MariaDB, PHP) On Debian 7 Wheezy For SUSE/openSUSE: Install LEMP Server (Nginx, MariaDB, and PHP-FPM) On openSUSE 13.2/13.1 Cheers!! Reference: Centmin Mod home page Latest Articles Fixin AttributeError: module ‘pkgutil’ has no attribute ‘ImpImporte...
这个脚本是使用shell编写,为了快速在生产环境上部署lnmp/lamp/lnmpa(Linux、Nginx/Tengine/OpenResty、MySQL/MariaDB/Percona、PHP),适用于CentOS 5~7(包括redhat)、Debian 6~8、Ubuntu 12~16的32位和64位。 脚本特性 持续不断更新 源码编译安装,大多数源码是最新stable版,并从官方网址下载... ...
选择安装方式 Windows Windows实例安装云助手Agent 通过阿里云CLI安装云助手Agent(Windows或Linux实例)Linux(Alibaba Cloud Linux、CentOS、RHEL、SUSE Linux、Debian和Ubuntu等)Linux实例安装云助手Agent RPM和DEB包管理方式... mysqlclient 连接 OceanBase 数据库 运行以下命令来检查是否已安装 python3-devel 包:rpm-q...