Installez le module Azure Active Directory pour PowerShell.Méthode 2 : vérifier que Windows PowerShell 2.0 est activéOuvrez une session en tant qu’administrateur local. (La simple connexion en tant qu’administrateur de domaine peut ne pas fonctionner.) Dans Panneau de configuration,...
Vous pouvez installer le module à l’aide de l’applet de commande Install-Module :PowerShell Copier Install-Module MSOnline Se connecter à Azure ADPour pouvoir exécuter les applets de commande décrites dans cet article, vous devez d’abord vous connecter à votre service en ligne. Pour ...
PowerShell 复制 C:\Lync2010\>msiexec /i C:\Lync2010\Lync.msi OCSETUPDIR="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync" 问题是否已修复?检查问题是否已修复。 如果问题已修复,您不用再往下看了。 如果问题没有修复,你可以联系技术支持部门。更多信息Communicator.adm 文件中不包括 UseMSIForLyncInstallation Lync 2010...
PowerShell 复制 Set-DataGatewayInstaller [-PrincipalObjectIds <String[]>] -Operation <OperationType> -GatewayType <GatewayType> [<CommonParameters>]说明设置哪些用户可以在组织中安装和注册新网关。示例示例1PowerShell 复制 PS C:\> $user1 = $(Get-AzADUser -ObjectId "").Id ...
Chocolateys PowerShell Installer Module uses non PowerShell 2 compatible syntax #2398 beatstick opened this issue Oct 9, 2021· 20 comments · Fixed by #2411 Comments Copy link beatstick commented Oct 9, 2021 Expected behaviour: I expect a package being updated How Did You Get This To ...
PowerShell 复制 PS XYZ:\> Remove-CMOperatingSystemInstaller -Name "INSTALL01"此命令将删除名为 INSTALL01 的操作系统安装程序。参数-Confirm提示你在运行 cmdlet 之前进行确认。 展开表 类型: SwitchParameter 别名: cf Position: Named 默认值: False 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False...
Command line options for: Windows Mobile projects, patch images, adding and removing merge modules in a MSI project, setting merge module signature information, ProductCode. Windows Powershell 1.0 predefined prerequisite Adobe Flash Player 10 predefined prerequisite XNA Framework 3.1 predefined prerequisite...
Change EXE installer to MSI: A powerful wizard will change all EXE options to MSI, ready for network deployment via Active Directory. Direct Table Editor: Visually change your MSI in database tables and row levels. Combine Module Creation: Package independent components as separate MSM files. Tri...
# macOS, Linux and Windows Git Bash export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider # Windows Command Prompt: set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider # Windows PowerShell: $env:NODE_OPTIONS="--openssl-legacy-provider" Deployment Deployment is provided for Docker Compose, so following dependencies...
Prequisites were installed, I checked using powershell’s get-hotfix. KB3118401 do not look like a necessary prequisite. However, if you think it should not be considered part of microsoft snoopware, I will inform original thread author from MSFN to remove it from the list. PS past post ...