wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/debian/11/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb Installer le SDK Le Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) .NET vous permet de développer des applications avec...
Bash script for installing V2Ray in operating systems such as Debian / CentOS / Fedora / openSUSE that support systemd scriptinstallerv2ray UpdatedNov 5, 2024 Shell Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many com...
1 下载Universal USB Installer软件:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSoeE6A 方法/步骤2 1 打开软件会弹出一个许可协议,直接点I Agree后,会弹出一个窗口,这时点击Step 1下面的那个框,会弹出需要刻录在U盘上的系统,选中就可以了,拖到最下面会看见Windows,还有一堆杀毒软件的光盘……方法/步骤3 1 点击那个红字...
Check out our side-by-sideFeatures comparisonpage and identify the edition you need to build the best Windows installers. We've been building Advanced Installer for almosttwo decades, and we plan to grow it for at least another two decades. ...
Secure OpenVPN installer for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Arch Linux. This script will let you setup your own secure VPN server in just a few minutes. Here is a preview of the installer : Usage You have to enable the TUN module otherwise OpenVPN won't work.Ask your host if you don't...
Installer sur Debian Debian 9 Pour l’installer sur Debian 9, ouvrez un terminal et exécutez les commandes suivantes : Bash wget -qO- https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | gpg --dearmor > packages.microsoft.gpg sudo install -o root -g root -m 644 packages.microsoft.gpg ...
minicom http://alioth.debian.org/projects/minicom/(FC自带) TightVNC http://www.tightvnc.com/ Wine+IEs4Linux http://www.winehq.org/ http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/index-en.htmlStarDict http://stardict.sourceforge.net fcitx http://www.fcitx.org ...
debian-cn-linux 2024-12-25 13:23:40 积分:1 cvat-opencv 2024-12-25 13:18:07 积分:1 JLINK segger驱动 V792C版本 2024-12-25 11:55:12 积分:1 关于GF3卫星影像的详细处理步骤 2024-12-25 10:38:25 积分:1 NVIDIA Studio-Driver 语言: Danish 版本: 566.36 2024-12-25 10:26:11 ...
kunt u geen installatielocatie selecteren. In Windows wordt de 32-bits Azure CLI geïnstalleerd inC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2en de 64-bits versie.C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2In Linux wordt de Azure CLI geïnstalleerd in/opt/az/Ubuntu en Debian, ...
I would like to agree, but I’ve got to admit that I haven’t tried installing Debian + Gnome for a desktop machine in quite a while. I recently went Ubuntu on the desktop, and was amazed that, for example, printing worked with only the same amount of effort as a Windows or Mac ...