一、安装python python官方下载地址:https://www.python.org/downloads/ 进入页面就有两个版本的下载选择,2.x版本和3.x版本,或者根据系统选择对应版本。 点击Windows,跳转到Windows版本页面: 点选Python3.6.0版本,进入3.6版本页面,拉到页面下方,找到files 选择64位or32位(x86-64即64,x86即32位),每种都有3个...
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Apk Installer(原名:WSAInstallTool,自1.2.3.0版本后更名)是一款Windows下自动关联APK文件且双击APK安装到任意安卓设备上的工具。该软件可以显示Apk自身的图标,详细的权限列表等。 支持Windows 11 安卓子系统,支持Windows 7、Windows 10 、Windows 11安装软件至任意安卓设备上。如软件无法运行,请安装.Net Framework 4.5...
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This post will show you how to downloadGoogle Chrome Offline Full Installer setupfor Windows. Google Chrome is one of the browsers which are built to render modern websites. It is also the browser with one of the most market shares. It is available for Windows 11/10/8/7, MacOS, Linux ...
Windows macOS Android Chrome OS Ubuntu Corporate Installers for WindowsDisplayLink USB Graphics MSI installer for Windows with Hot Desking Software (9.2 M1) The terms of the software license agreement included with any software you download will control your use of the software. Please read and ...
Fix 3: Re-Register Windows Installer Step 1: Press theWindowskey, typeCommand Prompt,and clickRun as administrator.In the prompt, clickYes. Step 2: Type the below command and pressEnter. msiexec.exe /unregisterMsiexec.exe /regserver
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