Debian Buster/Bullseye Fedora 35 Ubuntu 20.04 CentOS 8/RHEL 8/Amazon Linux 2 MacOS Big Sur & Monterey on Intel & Apple M processors Windows 10 & 11 Node.js FlowFuse requires Node.js v20. Linux The install script will check to see if it can find a suitable version of Node.js. If no...
Installer sur Linux Vue d’ensemble Ubuntu Alpine CentOS Stream Debian Fedora OpenSUSE Red Hat Enterprise Linux SLES Script et fichiers binaires d’installation Installer avec Snap Mise à niveau vers une nouvelle version de .NET Supprimer des runtimes et kits SDK obsolètes Gérer les modèles ....
NGINX Open Source packaged by Bitnami provides a complete, fully-integrated and ready to run PHP, MySQL and NGINX development environment. In addition, it bundles phpMyAdmin, SQLite, ImageMagick, FastCGI, GD, CURL, PEAR, PECL, Composer and other components. Also known as LEMP for Linux, WEMP ...