Windows 10 update history Windows 10 Version 1511 4013198 10.0.10586.839 4016636 10.0.10586.839 - - 4015219 10.0.10586.839 - - 4019473 10.0.10586.916 Windows 10 update history Windows 10 Version Windows Server 2016 4013429 10.0.14393.953 4016635 10.0.14393.953 - ...
OnlyAlex Novice 01-11-2024 10:52 AM 4,790 Views Solved Jump to solution Intel(R) Corporation - System - was available as an update in Windows Update twice, so I pressed download and install and it installed twice looking at reliability history. Will that affect the ...
FIX: Domain Windows 10 WSUS Upgrade Issues File Not Found Force a Wsus client to check for updates Force an Update of a WSUS Client via command line Force clients to update after connecting to WSUS Force Immediate WSUS update installs on client machines when they connect to network. Force WS...
Windows 10 update history Windows 10 Version 1511 4013198 10.0.10586.839 4016636 10.0.10586.839 - - 4015219 10.0.10586.839 - - 4019473 10.0.10586.916 Windows 10 update history Windows 10 Version Windows Server 2016 4013429 10.0.14393.953 4016635 ...
We use hyper-v for windows 10 VDI. My routine for updating the template used to deploy is:1. apply checkpoint taken before sysprep was run2. install updates, run disk cleanup3. just before running sysprep again take a checkpoint (to revert to the next update)...
Note Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, this setting can no longer be used in provisioning packages. For more information on changes to the Windows Provisioning Framework, see Windows Provisioning Framework. This setting may have a Configuration Service Provider (CSP) equivalent that can ...
TestResultHistoryForGroup TestResultLog TestResultMachine TestResultMetaData TestResultMetaDataUpdateInput TestResultMetaDataUpdateResponse TestResultModelBase TestResultParameter TestResultParameterModel TestResultPayload TestResultReset2 TestResultsContext TestResultsContextType TestResultsDetails TestResultsDetailsForGro...
Script intended for use in an already established monitoring system that monitors the Windows Update log - WhAtEvErYoUmEaN/CheckInstalledWindowsUpdates
GraphUserOriginIdUpdateContext GraphUserPrincipalNameCreationContext GraphUserPrincipalNameUpdateContext GraphUserUpdateContext Group Group GroupMemberPermission GroupMembership GroupScopeType GroupSubscriptionChannel HelpLink HelpLink HideStateModel HideStateModel HistoryEntry HttpPostedTcmAttachment IAuthorizationTokenPro...
YourChannelName: Update All Packages Git TagSimilar to the last commandSelect Package to Update Git Tag, but it create git tags for each repository on based on the date of the last commit. If there is no git tags, a first tag is created as1.0.0. If already there are git tags, its...