With more details, I’m running a debian 12 with Nginx (and mariadb); I first installed it locally before adding the domainnonohassio.duckdns.org. nonohassio.duckdns.orgis configured to point to my box which redirects port 80 and 443 to the raspberry running nextcloud. Nextcloud has been ...
ocboot 能够快速的在 CentOS 7 、Kylin V10、Debian 10等机器上搭建部署 Cloudpods 服务。 ocboot 依赖 ansible-playbook 部署 cloudpods 服务,可以在单节点使用 local 的方式部署,也可以在多个节点使用 ssh 的方式同时部署。 依赖说明 操作系统: Centos 7.x 、Kylin V10、Debian 10 最低配置要求: 4 核 8G...
-bash:mysql_secure_installation:command not found 查阅资料后发现,从10.5.2开始已经由mariadb-secure-installation命令替换 官方文档:mysql_secure_installation - MariaDB Knowledge BaseImprove the security of a MariaDB installation. https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mysql_secure_installation/...
Interactive installation bash-script (Ubuntu / Debian / etc): Installation Services If you want you canlet professionalsinstall FreeScout for you. 1. Prerequisites Prerequisites required to runFreeScoutare listedhere. In this tutorial we are going to install FreeScout on Ubuntu LTS and use Nginx...
On Debian, Ubuntu, and their derivatives, Apache installs with a useful configuration so all you have to do is create a/etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conffile with these lines in it, replacing theDirectoryand other filepaths with your own filepaths: ...
ansible-galaxy collection install community.postgresql community.general ansible.posix Requirements Matrix Operating Systems and Platform Support Product Debian RHEL Ubuntu Amazon Linux Windows Server Artifactory 11.x, 12.x 8.x, 9.x 20.04, 22.04, 24.04 ...
Redhat/CentOS/AlmaLinux/RockyLinuxDebian/Ubuntu 1. The offline installation script will need a running MySQL server on the host. Install MySQL server and client, enable it to start on boot and start the service: $ yum install -y mariadb mariadb-server $ systemctl enable mariadb $ systemctl...
MariaDB ColumnStore is certified to run on: RHEL/CentOS v6, v7 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Debian v8 SUSE 12 but it should run on any recent Linux system. Make sure the same OS is installed on all the servers for a multi-node system. Make sure the locale setting on all servers are all the sam...
Step 1: Install Spider Package (Debian/Ubuntu)On Debian and Ubuntu, the Spider storage engine is installed via a separate mariadb-plugin-spider package. To install the package via APT, execute the following command:$ sudo apt install mariadb-plugin-spider ...
Install MariaDB on CentOS 6.4 CentOS How to Install Nginx + Php FPM + APC on CentOS 6.4 CentOS How to Install Htop on centos 6.4 CentOS How to Install Hwinfo on Fedora 19/20 and CentOS 5/6 Fedora How to setup EPEL repository on CentOS 5/6 CentOS How to setup Remi repository...