这个问题的出现说明你的项目中使用了与当前CPU架构不一致的native libraries
在Android模拟器上安装apk的时候出现 INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS 这个错误提示的解决办法。 是由于使用了native libraries 。该native libraries 不支持当前的cpu的体系结构。 INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS is when you are trying to install an app that has native libraries and it doesn't have a nat...
If you set this parameter to False, the installer fails with an error if a port is in use. If you have enabled port scanning by setting -W PortScan.silentResolvePortConflict to True, the installer scans for free ports before evaluating port conflicts. -W PortScan.iiop The initial port ...
最终解决方法:cmd命令行下执行以下命令:adb remount adb shell cd /data chmod 777 local 重新安装apk,ok了。--- 上面不行就这个方法 1、在properties -> java bulid path -> source中把gen那个目录删除;2、再把自动生产的gen目录给删除;3、重新build就可以了。
9.1.3. Installation Fails when "Installing Eclipse" If the installation fails when installing eclipse with the message: Failed to install eclipse. Cannot recover from this error., take a look at the install log and search for _JAVA_OPTIONS. If this environment variable is set, it may ...
App installation failed with message: Failed to commit, 4 Answers. Sorted by: 12. check 4 ways: way 1: turn off Instant Run. File > Settings > Build,Execution,Deployment > Instant Run > Un-check (Enable … Error Occurs While Attempting to Run App in Ses...
# An error report file with more information is saved as: # /home/afberendsen/biglybt/hs_err_pid1624283.log core.stop done in 44920 Compiled method (n/a) 1984476 3097 n 0 org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS::G_OBJECT_TYPE (native) ...
Android: App installation fails, When I try to run my app from eclipse on the nexus s hardware, I get a Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY with the advice to see Logcat. There, it says W/ActivityManager(130): No content ...