タイトルのように、npm install すると [Cannot find module './lib/async'] と表示されてインストールが進まなくなって、色々調べて結果 Node.jsを削除して、再度インストールした時のメモです。 自分のメモ書きなので特にまとめもありませんし、役立つ情報も無いかもしれませんが残してお...
WinGet Command Not Found is a PowerShell 7 module to help you install missing packages. With this module, you will be recommended relevant WinGet packages whenever an unrecognized command is entered. - GitHub - microsoft/winget-command-not-found: WinGet
Import-Module : The specified module 'posh-ssh' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory. At line:17 char:1 Import-Module -Name posh-ssh - CategoryInfo : ResourceUnavailable: (posh-ssh:String) [Import-Module], FileNotFoundException - FullyQualifiedErrorId...
Output Error: Configure failed: The last 5 lines in the log file: checking for zlib >= yes checking whether to enable bc style precision math functions... yes checking for BZip2 support... yes checking for BZ2_bzerror in -lbz2...
WinGet Command Not Found is a PowerShell 7 module to help you install missing packages. With this module, you will be recommended relevant WinGet packages whenever an unrecognized command is entered. - GitHub - denelon/winget-command-not-found: WinGet C