下载后解压到 Git 安装的根目录,相当于对git bash做一个补充包。然后打开一个git bash,敲下zsh,你会发现不行,没错,就是不行。 关键步骤: 在Git目录下,找到usr\bin,由于直接从压缩包解压过去,所以会有以下三个文件被新添加。 我们改一下...
#!/bin/bash set -u # First check if the OS is Linux.if [[ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]]; then HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX=1 fi # Check if macOS is ARM if [[ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]] && [[ "$(sysctl -n hw.optional.arm64 2>/dev/null || echo...
if [[ -n "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then case "$SHELL" in */bash*) if [[ -r "$HOME/.bash_profile" ]]; then shell_profile="$HOME/.bash_profile" else shell_profile="$HOME/.profile" fi ;; */zsh*) shell_profile="$HOME/.zprofile" ...
/bin/zsh#替换默认的 /bin/bashchsh -s /bin/zsh Changing shell for root. Shell not changed.#重启一下reboot #查看现在的shellecho $SHELL /bin/zsh 安装oh-my-zsh 手动安装 #安装gityum -y install git#克隆oh-my-zshgit clone git:// ~/.oh-my-zsh#复制...
Install Zsh on Ubuntu The default shell on Ubuntu is Bash. Follow the steps below to install and use Z Shell on Ubuntu: Step 1: Update the System Repository Update the system package repository to get the latest program version available. Open the terminal and run the following command: ...
Bash, Zsh and fish completion support for git-flow. - Install Bash git completion · bobthecow/git-flow-completion Wiki
install oh my zsh 官网: Copy #安装gitsudo apt-get install git#安装oh my zshsh -c"$(curl -fsSL"#修改默认主题vim ~/.zshrc#生效source~/.zshrc...
~/miniconda3/bin/conda install mamba ~/miniconda3/bin/mamba init zsh # or bash source ~/.zshrc # not needed when you open a new Terminal Install Homebrew (the pkg installer is the easiest method, download fromHomebrew Releases) -- find the most recent Homebrew-n.n.n.pkg file. For App...
Installing Oh-My-Zsh Plugin On-My-Zsh plugin provides some amazing shell enhancements to ZSH. You can install the plugin by typing this command in your terminal: sudo apt install git-core curl fonts-powerline sh -c "$(curl -fsSL