Dricks Several of the package management tools provide commands that can help you determine package dependencies. For yum, use sudo yum deplist [package]. For Ubuntu, use sudo apt-get install --reinstall --download-only [package name] followed by dpkg -I [package name].deb....
To install on CentOS 7, open a terminal and run the following command: Bash sudo rpm -Uvh https://packages.microsoft.com/config/centos/7/packages-microsoft-prod.rpm After the repository is added, run the following command: Bash sudo yum install msopenjdk-21 ...
make[2]: *** [sql/CMakeFiles/sql.dir/mysqld.cc.o] Error 1make[1]: *** [sql/CMakeFiles/sql.dir/all] Error 2make: *** [all] Error 2需要执行以下步骤:1):清除之前cmake和编译[root@mysql5 mysql-5.6.22]# make clean[root@mysql5 mysql-5.6.22]# rm CMakeCache.txt2):删除...
So if your VM is Ubuntu/Debian based, you can use the following: sudo apt install spice-vdagent For Arch base: sudo pacman -S spice-vdagent For Fedora-based distros: sudo yum install spice-vdagent Once you are done with the installation,reboot your VM, and the clipboard should work as ...
Ubuntu下yum install policycoreutils-python-utils 1. 引言 在Ubuntu系统中,yum是一个常用的软件包管理工具。通过yum可以方便地搜索、安装、升级和删除软件包。policycoreutils-python-utils是一个包含一些用于SELinux策略开发和管理的工具的软件包。本文将介绍如何在Ubuntu系统上使用yum命令安装policycoreutils-python-utils软...
Method 1: Install Git with apt on Ubuntu Using theapt package management toolis the easiest way to install Git. However, the version in the default repository is often not the latest release. This is because Ubuntu prioritizes stability and thorough testing over cutting-edge updates to ensure ...
sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install python3-pip gcc-c++ python3-devel unixODBC-devel pip3 install --user pyodbc Debian Stretch Similar to Ubuntu, you need to installunixodbc-dev, but you will also need to installgccandg++. Notegccpackage is automatically installed when installingg++...
Proceed with the steps below to install OpenJDK on your system: 1. Update the package repository list: sudo yum update 2. Install theJava Development Kitwith the following command: sudo yum install java-devel The output shows the version of OpenJDK that is to be installed on the system. ...
OpenVPN road warrior installer for Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS - openvpn-install/openvpn-install.sh at master · hxiaohua/openvpn-install