Install Windows Subsystem for Linux with the command, wsl --install. Use a Bash terminal on your Windows machine run by your preferred Linux distribution - Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Kali, Fedora, Pengwin, Alpine, and more are available.
The installation commandwsl --installfails with the errorWslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80071772. The WSL update commandwsl --updatedoes not update the version and remains at2.0.9.0. Runningwsl --updatelater results in a 403 Forbidden error (Wsl/UpdatePackage/0x80190193). The unin...
如果你很早以前就安装过 WSL 1,可以执行wsl --set-version <distro> 2命令把默认版本替换为2。 WSL 安装完成后,在开始菜单中搜索 WSL 或 Ubuntu 就可以打开发行版。第一次打开时,会提示你创建用户名和密码,按照提示操作即可。 安装Windows Terminal 为了方便 Linux 环境的...
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux with the command, wsl --install. Use a Bash terminal on your Windows machine run by your preferred Linux distribution - Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Kali, Fedora, Pengwin, Alpine, and more are available.
I am trying to install WSL (Debian) with this manual:,with my MS store disabled. However, I get error0x80073CF3 === PS C:\USERS\Yerong\Downloads\Ubuntu> Add-AppxPackage .\DistroLauncher-Appx_1.12.2.0_scale-400.appx Add-...
WSL Version Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2? WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version No response Distro Version any Other Software No response Repro Steps wsl --install Ubuntu-22.04 --no-launch --web-download Downloading: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Installing: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Ubuntu 22.04 LTS has been ...
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux with the command, wsl --install. Use a Bash terminal on your Windows machine run by your preferred Linux distribution - Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Kali, Fedora, Pengwin, Alpine, and more are available.
用WSL安装成功后多..系统win11版本,刚用powershell 执行wsl --install成功安装后,可运行UBUNTU程序(POWERSHELL模式),但同时多了一个Install release(ubuntu)
After the installation completes, restart your computer. You can set Ubuntu as your default distro with the command: bash Copy code wsl --set-default Ubuntu Open Ubuntu from the Start menu and follow the prompts to complete the setup.
The WSL2 Ubuntu doesn't have ufw installed by default, so skip this step. frank@ZZHPC:~$ ufw Command 'ufw' not found, but can be installed with: sudo snap install ufw # version 0.36.2, or sudo apt install ufw # version 0.36.2-1 ...