InstallUtil.exe 默认的安装位置是在C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727里面,所以你要在cmd里通过cd定位到该位置(cd C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727) 3。操作命令: 1). 安装服务命令:在命令行里输入下面的命令: InstallUtil.exe Path/WinServiceName.exe 其中Path表示ServiceName.exe...
This path is relating to our visual studio installation path because during installation if you give different path this path should be different now we can move to folder which contains ourwindowsservice.exefile. After moving to exe file exists path my command prompt like this After moving to ...
InstallUtil.exe 服务路径/windowsServiceName.exe 快捷安装:直接找到对应的 installutil.exe,拖cmd中,再拖你服务的位置路径下的服务名称.exe,(win10 以上系统支持) 启动该服务 net start windowsServiceName 停止服务 net stop windowsServiceName 卸载服务 InstallUtil.exe /u 服务路径/windowsServiceName.exe...
cannot open <servicename> service on computer '.'. Cannot open <servicename> service on computer'.'. in windows 8 Cannot Pass List between Two Forms cannot perform '>=' operation on system.int32 and system.string Cannot Process argument because the va...
InstallUtil.exe 服务路径/windowsServiceName.exe 快捷安装:直接找到对应的 installutil.exe,拖cmd中,再拖你服务的位置路径下的服务名称.exe,(win10 以上系统支持) 启动该服务 net start windowsServiceName 停止服务 net stop windowsServiceName 卸载服务 ...
摘要:今天在装一个须要调用windows install安装服务的软件时,提示无法访问windows install服务,如图:进入查看服务,发现windows install服务停止,当我试图启动该服务的时候,提示如下:在网上搜索一下,找到解决方法,如下:点击开始-->运行,输入CMD,确定。在弹出的CMD命令提示符窗口中输入msiexec /regserver(这条命令的意思是...
6.使用installutil安装新建好的MyFirstService,方法如下: 一、打开C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319目录,找到InstallUtil.exe文件。 二、把该文件复制到你生成服务的根目录下。 三、使用命令:在cmd中定位到你的服务所在的目录(即InstallUtil.exe所在的目录),使用InstallUtil 服务名.exe进行安装。
(1)打开【Visual Studio】开发工具,然后选择【 Windows 服务(.NET Framework) 】,点击下一步。 注意:Windows服务只有在.NET Framework版本中才有了,在跨平台中使用Worker Service。 (2)修改项目名称和项目存储目录,项目名称我写的是【MyDemoService】,然后框架我选择的是【.NET Farmework 4.8】,这个可以根据自己的...
Either create a cmd script that runs InstallUtil youService.exe and set the script to require admin or do a 'runas /user:Administrator cmd.exe' and run InstallUtil from there. Monday, January 29, 2007 11:51 PM |1 vote I just ran into the same problem using Visual Studio 2005. An ex...
At a command prompt (cmd.exe), run the following command: Console Copy Dism /image:C:\ /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions Close the command prompt. On the Choose an option menu, select Continue.StatusMicrosoft has confirmed that this is a problem in Windows Server 2012 R2...