3)重启服务:sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart 参考: http://feizf.blogbus.com/logs/23351643.html
pip3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip # 更新 pip pip install selenium # 安装库 python312install.sh pip show -f pyyaml # 查看库 pip list -o # 升级库 # 一键下载安装: wget ddoss.cn/file/ubuntu/shell/server/python312install.sh ; chmod +x python312install.sh ; ./python312install....
seedbox installation script for Ubuntu and Debian systems nginxdebianubuntuscriptrtorrentvsftpdautodl-irssirutorrentseedboxseedbox-install-scriptrtinstseedbox-script UpdatedNov 5, 2023 Shell Lightweigt QuickBox debianubuntuseedboxseedbox-install-scriptquickbox-lite ...
Enabling this feature allows CSF to send a more informative message to the client when a block is applied. This feature has both pros and cons. On one hand, enabling it provides more information to the client, and thus may cause less frustration for instance in case of failed lo...
ubuntu web server ipython notebook install http://blog.csdn.net/yehuohan/article/details/51389966 ipython notebook install
Ubuntu 12 Ubuntu 13 Ubuntu 14 Ubuntu 15 Ubuntu 16 Debian 7 Debian 8 Services that will be installed and configured are1. vsftpd - ftp server 2. libtorrent/rtorrent 3. rutorrent 4. Nginx (webserver) 5. autodl-irssi 6. webmin (optional see section 3.7 in main guide) ...
It is the only thread that mentions the installation of the CSF in VestaCP, I found on the internet .. !! I am not managing to block invalid authentications, check the 10th row where it mentions the settings but it works correctly for Ubuntu. I think it is a log path validation proble...
Ubuntu磁盘格式化指南 centos通过parted对2T以上硬盘分区并对根目录进行扩容 ubuntu22.04如何设置自启动脚本 Linux读取文件的几种方式 linux磁盘操作之sgdisk 安装新版本gawk Tmux 简单介绍和使用 SQL Server 查询并发连接数的方法详解 nmon analyser使用中报错无法运行宏可能是因为该宏在此工作簿中不可用,或者所有的宏都被...
./configure是用来检测你的安装平台的目标特征的。比如它会检测你是不是有CC或GCC,并不是需要CC或GCC,它是个shell脚本。make是用来编译的,它从Makefile中读取指令,然后编译。make install是用来安装的,它也从Makefile中读取指令,安装到指定的位置。 AUTOMAKE和AUTOCONF是非常有用的用来发布C程序的东西。
Step 2: Install vsftpd Server on Ubuntu vsftpdis an open-source FTP utility commonly used in Ubuntu due to its simplicity. Installvsftpdby running the command below: sudo apt install vsftpd Step 3: Launch vsftpd To launch the service and enable it to automatically start at boot, run the fol...