The WSL2 Ubuntu doesn't have ufw installed by default, so skip this step. frank@ZZHPC:~$ ufw Command 'ufw' not found, but can be installed with: sudo snap install ufw # version 0.36.2, or sudo apt install ufw # version 0.36.2-1 Step 5: Connect to Remote Desktop The Xrdp service...
Whenever I sign in with my GitHub account and sync my settings, I have to manually click Install in WSL: Ubuntu multiple times—once for each extension. It would be highly convenient to have an option like Install All in WSL: Ubuntu or Sy...
在浏览器中打开网站,或者点这个连接也行 Docker插件安装 点开链接后,有一个叫wsl.msi的文件,我们将其下载下来安装 (安装过程无脑下一步就ok) ,docker就可以正常启动了 三、最终效果 重启WIn10后,docker被成功重启 写在最后 各位看官,都看到这里了,麻烦动动手指头给博主来个点赞8,...
Set WSL2 default shell (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS) to something other than Bash. [I primarily use non-POSIX shells like Fish, Nushell, and Elvish.] Enable Remote Tunnel with Microsoft account on Windows 11 with WSL2. Sign in to Microsoft account on, connect to Remote Tunnel, see th...
wsllinux vscode rust | 报错原因是你没办法访问到目标 在win11上装vscode,相关操作就不说了。 在win11上装linux 第一步:需要在bios中开启虚拟化 第二步:搜索启用或关闭windows功能 然后对如下四个打勾1:Hyper-v 2: Windows虚拟机监控平台 3:适用于linux的windows的子系统 4:虚拟机平台 ...
Alternatively, you can also pass --user-data-dir ~/.vscode or copy ~/.vscode into ~/.local/share/code-server to reuse your existing VS Code extensions and configuration. How does code-server decide what workspace or folder to open? code-server tries the following in this order: The works...
sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-wsl-ubuntu-11-6-local_11.6.2-1_amd64.deb sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-wsl-ubuntu-11-6-local/ sudoapt-getupdate sudo apt-get -y install cuda Load library path gedit ~/.bashrcexportPATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATHexportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lo...
wsl --update 8、电脑升级到专业版 9、打开Hyper-V,然后重启电脑 image.png 10、docker设置 image.png image.png image.png 11、打开Ubuntu 22.4 LTS,用命令安装git和设置密钥 12、用linux新建项目文件夹,然后git clone 13、打开VScode,打开Remote window, New WSL window,然后打开项目 ...
下载地址:Manual installation steps for older versions of WSL | Microsoft Docs 3、重启WSL2系统,在Windows参考终端运行链接 net stop LxssManager net start LxssManager 4、在ubuntu系统中启动ssh服务,vscode中的remote-ssh即可连接上 锐单商城拥有海量元器件数据手册、IC替代型号,打造电子元器件IC百科大全!
but it ends up with the same problem... if I use ubuntu:18.04 as in the Dockerfile, it seems to work, but I would really like it to run on my ubuntu 22.04 in WSL, so its easy for me to use vscode Any help is much appreciated.. ...