Type: Performance Issue when I am trying to install within vs code on my chromebook. it show me an error message -try manually or check for the log , and when click on the log Unexpected token '#',"#!/bin/bas"...is not valid. VS Code ver...
Quickly setup your development environment on your Chromebook/ChromeOS , MacOS or any Linux distribution 🐧 ❄️ 💻 🚀 ✨ - crosup/install.sh at master · tsirysndr/crosup
https://chromium.arnoldthebat.co.uk/ 2、可以直接用Win32_Disk_Imager或DiskImage_1_6_WinAll写入优盘,也可以用google的官方工具Chromebook RecoveryUtility写入优盘(推荐) 3、优盘引导后,设置代理,联网登陆到系统桌面,按Ctrl+Alt+T键,打开crosh; 4、输入install /dev/sda,把优盘系统安装到本地硬盘sda上,会...
https://chromium.arnoldthebat.co.uk/ 2、可以直接用Win32_Disk_Imager或DiskImage_1_6_WinAll写入优盘,也可以用google的官方工具Chromebook RecoveryUtility写入优盘(推荐) 3、优盘引导后,设置代理,联网登陆到系统桌面,按Ctrl+Alt+T键,打开crosh; 4、输入install /dev/sda,把优盘系统安装到本地硬盘sda上,会...