Android studio 导入新工程时:install repository and sync project show in file 出现这个提示,编译一下,查看错误的具体信息。或者rebuild project 不用想了,反正这个时候肯定是build failed 在app的build.gradle下修改 原设置: 修改后的设置: 编译后:出现红色的提示信息不用管。 注:自己学习过程中的笔记,供自己查...
android:installLocation = "preferExternal"
Bad owner or permissions on C:\Users\USER/.ssh/config 问题描述 由于使用vscode远程连接服务器突然新增了C:\Users\USER/.ssh/config ,再powershell/cmd下面使用openssh(windows自带)连接服务器会出现Bad owner or permissions on C:\\Users\\USER/.ss... ...
VSCode中node.js如何断点调试 1、找到如图所示的按钮,点击如图位置,创建launch.json文件 2、选择node.js 3、自动生成并打开如下文件 4、将程序入口文件修改为当前项目的入口文件,保存 例如:该项目的入口的文件为app.js,将最后一行改为 "program": "${workspaceFolder}\\app.js" 5、关闭当前项目进程(如果之前没有...
If VSCode does not run, try install older version. E.g. Install LibreOffice On Ubuntu, run this command to install LibreOffice with patch wget
今天,初学flutter的我在win10上新建一个flutter项目的时候,报了一个这样的错误: 于是,我愤怒地在Github flutter上面开了一个issue,地址(顺便关注一下啊): 大神们很简短地给了2行代码,问题轻松解决! 这是一段powershell代码,大伙们可以在vscode上的终端上...vue...
On VSCode I have the error maui project (created from template) ".NET MAUI SDK: not found. Please check the .NET MAUI output window for more info." The output looks: .NET MAUI Workloads: Path: /usr/local/share/dotnet Version: 8.0.400 ...
Hi, recently I installed am trying to build a Maui app, and it seems all my projects when I either use VSCode, Rider or even dotnet build as a regular user, fail with this error: /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/8.0.204/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.NET.Sdk.ImportWorkloads.targets(38...
{ Step 3 } Click the Tabnine logo in your IDE status bar to open the Tabnine Hub. On the top-right corner, clickRegister / Sign in. Click the Tabnine logo in your IDE status bar to open the Tabnine Hub. On the top-right corner, clickRegister / Sign in. ...[!]Connected device!No devices available!Doctor found issuesin3 categories. iOStoolchain解決🎉 あとは普通にAndroid StudioとVSCodeの設定を済ませればOK みんなもLet's Flutter😉...