"josetr.cmake-language-support-vscode", "ms-vscode.cpptools", "ms-vscode.docker", "ms-azuretools.vscode-docker", "fabiospampinato.vscode-highlight", "cschlosser.doxdocgen", "mhutchie.git-graph", "albert.tabout", "ms-python.vscode-pylance", "ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack",...
To persist data on the host, uncomment the volumes section in the docker-compose.yml and specify the path. Optional Setup: Nginx Reverse Proxy Configuration To access the VS Code Server securely with a domain name and SSL: Optional Setup: Network Configuration The container uses the vscode-serve...
[25602 ms] Start: Run in Host: docker exec -i -u root -e VSCODE_REMOTE_CONTAINERS_SESSION=966c34aa-e1b8-4837-bd34-7dcc777a8ac81658149588164 0e72ac2aff313c24e70caa3b5b9d74428f7be41d6d00acc414dc4339e84ff807 /root/.vscode-server-insiders/bin/1cd90cceddf3c413673963ab6f154d2ff294b17c...
Here's the script I wrote to do the install: https://github.com/cseelye/ubuntu-base/blob/main/vscode.sh and using it in the Dockerfile: https://github.com/cseelye/ubuntu-base/blob/main/Dockerfile#L96. I'm sure this script could be simplified/improved. It's handling two different u...
"Python Language Server",它支持自动安装缺少的依赖包。确保你已经安装了这个插件,并在VSCode设置中...
Right now I have Ubuntu 18.04 running supported version of Docker, NVIDIA-docker v2, Virtualbox, Anaconda Python, etc, there is only one package that I generally install that is not (officially) supported on 18.04 yet. That one package is NVIDIA CUDA. I had waited ...
I have use the cmdlet to download workload layout. I want to build separate layout for each layout. Because I plan to push VS2022 by SCCM without internet connection. e:\vs2022\vs_Professional.exe --layout e:\vs2022\Visual_Studio_core_editor --add…
(When I increased the Antidote VM size to 4 GB, 95% of my system’s memory was consumed because I also needed a web browser and a text editor running at the same time.I was using Firefox and VScode on an Ubuntu 18.04 desktop. Maybe if I used lighter-weight tools likeMidoriandvimon...
可以考虑修改插件,在检测出来时自动pip,下面是repo地址。https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-python ...
Extension (VsCodeVim) version: VSCode version: 1.51.1 OS: Linux (linuxserver.io container) Code-Server version: 3.7.4 Additional context To add from above, I am using code-server inside of a linuxserver container, I am reaching this machine through a reverse proxy that I have setup. This...