Restart your machine and try thevagrantcommand again. Windows, VirtualBox, and Hyper-V If you encounter an issue with Windows, you will get a blue screen if you attempt to bring up a VirtualBox VM with Hyper-V enabled. If you wish to use VirtualBox on Windows, you must ensure that Hy...
当Windows下运行 > vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest 报如下错误: Installing the 'vagrant-vbguest' plugin. This can take a few minutes... Bundler, the underlying system Vagrant uses to install plugins, reported an error. The error is shown below. These errors are usually caused by misconfigu...
前言 最近发现了一个问题,运行 npm install 命令安装依赖包,在 Mac 上的 Vagrant 装的虚拟机上没问题,在阿里云 CentOS 上也没问题,但是在 Windows 环境同样是 Vagrant 装的环境相同的虚拟机上就是不成功,报错如下: npm ERR! Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename ‘/usr/share/nginx/html/
环境是 windows下通过vagrant运行虚拟机(ubuntu) Host:windows 10 Guest: ubuntu(vagrant) 根据之前的经验,不要在 Guest环境中执行npm install操作 大坑:虚拟机共享目录中不要进行任何的开发工作 所以在 Host环境中安装 1ganik@ddhc MINGW64 /d/Code/go-laravel/weibo (filling-layout-style)2$ yarn add cross-e...
${csudo} yum install java-11-openjdk-devel &>/dev/null ${csudo} yum install jenkins &>/dev/null # } function yum_install_erlang_otp() { echo -e "$(date +%F_%T) $LINENO: ${GREEN} yum_install_erlang_otp${NC}" yum...
Windows 11/2022/2025 Base Vagrant Box ( - install the cloudbase-init provision sysprep oobe wait plugin · rgl/windows-vagrant@9db70ec
In this guide, we started off by installingOracle VM VirtualBoxonWindows 11. We further went a step further and created a virtual machine and finally documented how to installRocky Liinux 9.1onOracle VirtualBox. That’s it for now. We trust you found this guide beneficial. Your feedback is...
We will use Vagrant with VirtualBox, since it is free, available on every major platform, and built-in to Vagrant. Also, note that Vagrant can work with many other providers.The VirtualBox package will be installed on an existing host OS (e.g. Linux, Mac OS X, Windows 7, Windows 8...
sudo pacman -S firefox [OnArch Linux] sudo zypper install firefox [OnOpenSUSE] sudo pkg install firefox [On FreeBSD] Ubuntuusers will always get the latest version ofFirefoxvia the default Ubuntu update channel. But the upgrade isn’t yet available and if you are curious to try it, there...
Block DNS leaks on Windows 10 Randomised server certificate name Choice to protect clients with a password (private key encryption) Many other little things! Compatibility The script supports these OS and architectures: i386amd64armhfarm64 Amazon Linux 2❔✅❔❔ ...