你也可以尝试进行一些基本的Git操作,如提交、推送等,来确认TortoiseGit是否可以正常工作。在确认TortoiseGit安装成功后,继续之前的安装流程: 一旦确认TortoiseGit已经成功安装并且可以正常使用,你就可以继续之前的安装流程了。这可能包括安装其他相关软件、配置Git仓库等操作。请注意,以上步骤是基于Windows操作系统的通用安装...
Choosing Git distribution There are different install packages out there, the most common is Git for Windows. Installing Git Click the exe file which you have d
Open Install of latest Tortoise Git (TortoiseGit- is Failing with weird message when installing on windows 11 Summary Install of latest Tortoise Git (TortoiseGit- is Failing with weird message when installing on windows 11. I've enclosed a picture of the error...
WinGetis Microsoft’s native command line application installer, and it now comes pre-installed with Windows 10+. If you have Windows 7 or 8, you’ll need to manually install it viatheApp Installerapp in the Microsoft Store. You can think of WinGet like the Microsoft Store, but for the ...
You can also install it on older versions of Windows from the Microsoft store. winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget Powered By Chocolatey Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows. If you have installed it on your system, then simply run the command on PowerShell. choco ...
这取决于你。没有更好的办法了。取决于你用什么更舒服。在web服务器中执行Git操作时,它将执行与您在本地文件夹中运行的命令相同的命令。另一个选择是为Git安装一个客户端,比如TortoiseGit,这很容易使用。 迁移到PHP8后无法运行composer update/install
64位Windows 10上可以直接使用系统自带的Linux环境。如果后续Windows版本不再提供内置的Linux环境,则切换到Cygwin平台。 其他没有自带Linux环境的Windows系统下载并安装Cygwin平台。初次安装可以只安装少量必须的package,如vim,git等。 在C盘或D盘建立home文件夹,用来存放映射Linux环境的home路径内容。
Additional files and scripts to help build Git for Windows on MSYS2. - Blaming build-extra/installer/install.iss.in at ec4947544385c555f4b53b6c3a4329a6c7047026 · git-for-windows/build-extra
Additional files and scripts to help build Git for Windows on MSYS2. - build-extra/installer/install.iss at 34a82b52c89920c425b691e8ae61a8eed47152dd · git-for-windows/build-extra
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