The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK comes in two modules, Microsoft.Graph and Microsoft.Graph.Beta, that you'll install separately. These modules call the Microsoft Graph v1.0 and Microsoft Graph beta endpoints, respectively. You can install the two modules on the same PowerShell version....
You can also run the Az modules for Azure Stack Hub in a Docker container. For instructions, seeUse Docker to run PowerShell for Azure Stack Hub. You can useAPI profilesto specify the compatible endpoints for the Azure Stack Hub resource providers. ...
To verify the installed submodules and their versions, run: PowerShell Get-InstalledModule The version in the output should match the latest version published on the PowerShell Gallery. Now you're ready to use the SDK. Updating the SDK ...
Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount Use your Azure account login credentials to log into the browser window that opens. You'll need to repeat this step for every new PowerShell session you start. To learn how to persist your Azure sign-in across PowerShell sessions, seeAzure PowerShell context...
This cmdlet requires elevation; you must be running a Windows PowerShell session as an administrator to use this cmdlet. Examples EXAMPLE 1 PS C:\> Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -IncludeAllSubFeature -ComputerName Server1 -WhatIf ...
Installing a new forest root domain using PowerShell This is the best and simplest way to do it. To install a new forest namedethernuno.intra and be securely prompted to provide the DSRM password, type: PS C:\Users\Administrator>Install-ADDSForest –domainname "ethernuno.intra"SafeModeAdminis...
PowerShell console in a web browser, with no Windows PowerShell, remote management software, or browser plug-in installation necessary on the client device. All that is required to run the web-based Windows PowerShell console is a properly-configured Windows PowerShell Web Access gateway, and a...
I am getting the following message in PowerShell: A new PowerShell stable release is available: v7.1.1 Upgrade now, or check out the release page at: However, executingiex "& { $(irm } -UseMSI"st...
PowerShell console in a web browser, with no Windows PowerShell, remote management software, or browser plug-in installation necessary on the client device. All that is required to run the web-based Windows PowerShell console is a properly-configured Windows PowerShell Web Access gateway, and a...