pip install docker-compose==1.21 -ihttps://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ pip search docker-compose -ihttps://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ pip show docker-compose 使用该命令获取ha的镜像 docker run -d --name homeassistant --privileged --restart=unless-stopped -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai -v ...
or packaged asdockerimages which can be managed by a container engine. However, for software that isn’t well-packaged, or for users who would prefer not to interact with a low-level init system on their server, it is helpful to have a lightweight alternative...
Supervisor(国内定制版)安装脚本改进,被一键安装脚本调用。本脚本不建议直接使用,裸linux安装建议使用一键安装脚本,详见hassio_install项目。 本脚本必须依赖如下: 1. Docker CE >= 19.03 2. Systemd >= 239 3. NetworkManager >= 1.14.6 4. AppArmor == 2.13.x展开收起 ...
针对你遇到的问题“[supervisor.docker.interface] can't install ghcr.io/home-assistant/qemux86-6”,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认镜像存在且可访问: 首先,确保ghcr.io/home-assistant/qemux86-6这个镜像确实存在于GitHub Container Registry中,并且你的网络可以访问它。你可以尝试在浏览器中访问这个...
5. After installation, the services for deploying thedockercontainer will immediately load automatically. Note that it took me~15 minutes! The progress of the deployment can be monitored indirectly inhtop(you can open a window in parallel in anothersshterminal). ...
f. Create a docker volume to persist runtime updates:$ sudo docker volume create <Volume_Name> g. Run the Docker image to start the docker container:$ sudo docker run --name <Connector_Name> --restart=always --volume <Volume_Name>:/opt/wapp -d <docker_image_name> ...
Install multiple Add-ons thanks to the Supervisor! STEP 19 Note: If you want to run Home Assistant container over HTTPS checkHow to Run Docker Containers Over HTTPS.In order to make Home Assistant Supervisor work via HTTPS, it’s mandatory to activateWebSocket. ...
[warn] via a Docker container. [warn] Leaving 'diversion of /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf.real by homeassistant-supervised' Leaving 'diversion of /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default.real by ...
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get install -y openssh-server apache2 supervisor' returned a non-zero code: 100master (yeasy/docker_practice#77) v0.7 v0.6 rhinoceros committed Oct 13, 2015 1 parent 692db8b commit 6158dda Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 0 deletions. ...
Create a new container as described in the links below. However, you must expose ports 7001, 8001, and 5556 when creating the docker container, as well as port 1521. Install SQL Server and Oracle using PowerShell and Windows Containers ...