(1)下载Windows 64 bit后,双击即可安装。(注意勾选Add to explorer context menu,这样Sublime Text可以被添加到右键中,在右键单击文件时,可以直接使用Sublime Text打开) (2)安装好后不要着急打开,在D:\program files\Sublime Text 3\下创建一个Data目录(和Packages目录同级),再打开Sublime Text 3后,将默认装在...
(1)下载Windows 64 bit后,双击即可安装。(注意勾选Add to explorer context menu,这样Sublime Text可以被添加到右键中,在右键单击文件时,可以直接使用Sublime Text打开) (2)安装好后不要着急打开,在D:\program files\Sublime Text 3\下创建一个Data目录(和Packages目录同级),再打开Sublime Text 3后,将默认装在...
(1)下载Windows 64 bit后,双击即可安装。(注意勾选Add to explorer context menu,这样Sublime Text可以被添加到右键中,在右键单击文件时,可以直接使用Sublime Text打开) (2)安装好后不要着急打开,在D:\program files\Sublime Text 3\下创建一个Data目录(和Packages目录同级),再打开Sublime Text 3后,将默认装在...
powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%chocolateybin"这个时候如果你也要装sublimeText3,你也可以这样!choco install SublimeText3 是不是很...
我在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64位上运行Sublime。我尝试使用简单脚本和手动安装方法在Sublime Text 3上安装Package Installer。 每当我尝试运行“安装软件包”选项时,都会出现错误消息“没有可用的软件包” 控制台显示以下跟踪: Package Control: Error downloading channel. b'curl: (77) error setting certificate verify lo...
Cross platform (Windows, OS X, Linux) Compatible with many language grammars from Textmate. proprietary software, may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. Install Sublime Text 2 in Ubuntu: ...
解决sublime text 3使用Install Package时出现There are no packages available for installation问题 1.在使用sublime下载扩展包的过程中,通过ctrl+shift+p打开包管理菜单界面,输入install 选中Install Package并回车,出现There are no packages available for installation的提示,导致安装插件出现问题...
//download.sublimetext.com/ apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text....
developers use this feature-rich and lightweight editor. It has cross-platform support for Windows, macOS, and Linux, which includes various features such as plugins, snippets, auto-completion, goto anything, and a command palette, among others. So, if you also want to install Sublime Text ...
Sublime Text 4152 首先,按 `^ `` ,查看 sublime 的 console,可以发现 12345 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/nicoskaralis/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Installed Packages/Package Control.sublime-package/package_control/deps/oscrypto/_openssl/_libcrypto_ctypes.py", line 305...