Learn how to install the SQL Server command-line tools, Microsoft ODBC drivers, and their dependencies on Linux.
Applies to: SQL Server - LinuxThe following steps install the command-line tools, Microsoft ODBC drivers, and their dependencies. The mssql-tools package contains:sqlcmd: Command-line query utility. bcp: Bulk import-export utility.Install the tools for your platform:Red...
Install the SQL Server command-line tools Show 8 more Applies to: SQL Server - Linux In this quickstart, you install SQL Server 2019 (15.x) on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) v15 (SP3). Then you can connect with sqlcmd to create your first database and run queries. For more...
This quickstart shows how to install SQL Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and then create and query a database with sqlcmd.
remote connections, use SQLCMD.exe locally and execute the following statements against the Server Core instance: SQLCopy EXECsys.sp_configure N'remote access', N'1'; GO RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE; GO Enableand start the SQL Server browser service By, the Browser service is disabled. ...
echo'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin"'>> ~/.bashrcsource~/.bashrc 本地连接 以下步骤使用 sqlcmd 本地连接到新的 SQL Server 实例。 使用SQL Server 名称 (-S),用户名 (-U) 和密码 (-P) 的参数运行 sqlcmd 。 在本教程中,用户进行本地连接,因此服务器名称为localhost。 用户名为SA,密...
To enable remote connections, use SQLCMD.exe locally and execute the following statements against the Server Core instance: EXEC sys.sp_configure N'remote access', N'1' GO RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO Enable and start the SQL Server Browser service ...
sqlcmd -S -U SA 1. 1. SELECT @@VERSION; 1. SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') 1. 1. 1. 启用SQL Server代理: sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set sqlagent.enabled true 1. 重启SQL Server服务: sudo systemctl restart mssql-server ...
Install Tools – Takes you to the main download page for SQL Server Management Studio (which has a link to the latest update) and associated tools. Note that even though Install Tools is separate, the SQL Engine core install comes with tools like bcp.exe and sqlcmd.exe....
SQL Server Management Studio support for the SQL Server Database Engine, SQL Server Express, sqlcmd utility, and the SQL Server PowerShell provider ADV_SSMS Installs SQL Server Management Tools – Complete. This includes the following components in addition to the components in the Basic version:...