In the window that opens, put a check mark next toand click OK. (If you don't see the Solver Add-in in this window, you will have to clickBrowseand locate the Solver file on your computer in order to use it.) Go back to Excel and go to the Data tab and look to the right ...
Install the Solver Add-In in Excel Summary Microsoft bundles additional tools or add-ins with is Microsoft Office applications. Many of these are advanced tools that are not installed by default. The "Solver" add-in is one of these additional tools. It is a helpful tool to solve equations....
如果使用 Excel for Mac,则在文件菜单中转到“工具”>“Excel 加载项”。 在“加载项”框中,选中“分析工具库”复选框,然后单击“确定”。 如果“可用加载宏”框中未列出“分析工具库”,请单击“浏览”以找到它。 如果系统提示计算机当前未安装分析工具库,请单击“是”进行安装。
When I bought my mbp 13" the guy talked me into iWork. To my surprise after a couple days of cursing I found out I really do like iWork a lot. The only problem is my school prefers Microsoft Office programs. I understand you can change the file extensions in iWork and such. But the...
Let’s look at how to add the Solver add-in to our Excel workbook. Go to the file tab in your Excel file. Select options at the bottom of the left-hand sidebar. Select Add-ins from the Excel options window. Then in the Manage box, select excel add-ins and click “Go…”. ...