【smapi更新求助..net已下,smapi已解压,游戏已更新,已管理员身份运行install on windows如图。请问该怎么办啊呜呜呜不想让自己的300小时的档没了救救搜了一下win10不能运行bat文件,提示要弄以下环境变量……为什么还是不成功呀
首先到 SMAPI 官网下载最新的安装包,可以选择从 NexusMods (N 网) 下载,也可以直接下载 (Direct download) 。截至本文,SMAPI 的最新版本为 3.16.2。 把下载下来的 SMAPI-<版本>-installer.zip 解压到任意位置,打开里面的 install on Windows.bat ,安装脚本会自动检测游戏的安装位置。如果没有找到会提示以下信息...
SMAPI is a modded client for Stardew Valley allowing you to install mods. Run Stardew Valley once on your PC so it completes its first-time setup. Download the latest version ofSMAPI. Extract the.zipfile to your desired location. Double-click the installation file based on your Operating ...
Simply install a .sdvmp file and let the Mod Manager find the mods, make sure you're running the minimum SMAPI version or above and even let the program create you a preset with the mods defined for the modpack. It's never been easier to install a collection of mods. Backup and ...
g_SMAPI->PathFormat(stripper_path,sizeof(stripper_path),"%s", temp); stripper_game.stripper_path = stripper_path; }#ifdefined __linux__#definePLATFORM_EXT".so"#elifdefined __APPLE__#definePLATFORM_EXT".dylib"#else#definePLATFORM_EXT".dll"#endifcharpath[256]; ...
Using the files you extracted earlier, install SMAPI onto your computer by clicking on the install on Windows.bat file. Instructions will pop up on your screen—follow them to finish up the installation process. While keeping this installation window open, configure your game client so it runs ...
The Stardew Valley Mod Manager does not edit or change any of the core game files and is installed as a completely separate executable to both the main game and the SMAPI launcher. This powerful new application allows you to do a variety of different operations pertaining to mod management and...