Felt provides a breathable, water-resistant membrane that helps shed moisture that makes it past the shingles. It is available in rolls of 15 and 30-pounds per hundred square feet. Many manufacturers offer 10-year guarantees for felt. When protected by well-maintained shingles, the underlay will...
Step 3 Lay down roofing paper or tar if you have removed the shingles from the old roof. If you do not remove the roof that needs repair, lay 1-by-4s across the top approximately 2-feet apart, to attach the metal to. Step 4 Start screwing on the metal panels around the outside fi...
This roof finish is a vast improvement on using a roll of Mineral felt and is much more durable. This article explains how to roof a shed with bitumen shingles.Design life: 15 years Minimum pitch: 18.5 degrees Rough cost /m2: £18...
On a shingled roof, the turtle vent must be installed under the shingles to provide adequate ventilation. On a metal roof, the turtle vent must be installed over the top of the metal so that it does not become rusty or corroded. Flat roofs are the easiest type of roof to install a ...
Residential Shingles Roof Replacement Hey, contractor! We're your reliable roofing crew. Hire us as your sub-contractor to build roofing projects with SLOG and benefit with discounts + 5% cashback in our exclusive contractor program. Go to our Contractors program what we do Our services Get ...
Another option for retrofitting hurricane ties on a home involves going through the roof. This can be done by removing the roof sheathing around the eaves of the home. Of course, you’ll have to remove the shingles along with the sheathing, which will require you to replace them with new ...
Cut strips of roofing paper about 8 inches wide and slip them under the shingles (Figure 2). Install the bottom piece, then the sides, and then the top. The idea here is to overlap the pieces down-roof with the pieces that are up-roof so water will shed properly. Sneaking the paper...
For my project, I ordered prefinished cedar boards from Cedar Shingles Direct of Wyoming, Michigan. Their factory applies a Cabot finish of your choice – for us, a latex solid stain applied over a solvent-based primer. The product was shipped via semi-trailer truck and arrived well packed,...
Although you can install corrugated metal roofing over shingles, for the best foundation, it is recommended that all the old roofing be removed. Work at a comfortable, steady pace, trying not to rip up or carry off too much old roofing at once.[8] Start at the highest point and the ...
Lay the first row of shingles at the bottom of the roof. Start at the bottom of the roof and work your way up to layer the shingles on top of one another. Set the first shingle down so it hangs out 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) over the drip edge. Check to see that it’s even with ...